Chapter 2 - Nami enters

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"(Y/N)! I'm so hungry!" Luffy whined. 

You shrug your shoulders. You were also hungry but you didn't have anymore food with you. 

"It's funny that you both don't have navigational skills." Zoro commented, touching the water. 

"We're wanderers, Zoro." You answer. "We go where the sea takes us. But aren't you also wandering?"

"No. I was searching for someone and now I can't find my way home."

"Don't say that so proudly," You laugh. 

"He's basically lost." Luffy concluded. 

"Shut up!" Zoro yelled, "You guys are the ones that are lost!"

Zoro began to nag at you guys. You laid down, your stomach grumbling at you as Luffy listed what he needed. 

" hungry." All three of you guys said at once. 

"Lu! It's a bird!" You pointed at it. 

"Let's eat that bird!" Luffy got into action, throwing himself at the bird. You squinted your eyes and saw he got bitten by the bird. "HELP!!!!"

"You idiot!" You and Zoro screamed and grabing the paddles and started after your Captain. 

"Help!" Someone shouted from the ocean, waving their arms.

Zoro clicked his tongue, "I don't have time, you guys get on yourselves!"


Zoro paddled pass them but they managed to grab on. You help them into your boat. 

"Are you guys okay?" You politely asked. 

He lifts a knife up, "Stop the boat! This is Buggy-sama's territory!"

You step back, hiding behind Zoro's back because techincally you are physically useless. You were just here to entertain Luffy which was why you weren't even considered a crew member yet.

But obviously, you were planning to change that soon.

Zoro glared at them. Why were they trying to raise a knife at you?

He unsheathed his swords and easily beat them. He ended up making them paddle instead, relaxing on the other side as they paddled through the ocean.

Zoro clicked his tongue in annoyance when you guys lost sight of Luffy.

He growled, "You three made me lost track of my friend and you even scared her. Put some back into it!"

You thanked Zoro and sat even closer to him just in case the three decided to do something funny. 

"Why were you three difting in the middle of the ocean?" You asked, finally meeting them in the eyes. 

Their eyes widen, "O-oh. You're pretty."

You smiled at their compliment, "Thank you."

Zoro lifts his sword again, narrowing his eyes. The three immediately looked away, "Oh that bad girl! But she's real cute but not as cute as you!"

Zoro growled a warning. They proceed to tell you guys the story about how they rescued a cute girl only to get robbed and tossed into the ocean, "..and that's what happened."

" she can predict the weather. This girl must be something special! You think she can join us?" Zoro asked you.

You shrugged. That would be up to Luffy.

Although she did sound impressive. Maybe she had some navigational skills. "It'd have to be up to our captain."

You leaned over, "Who's Buggy, by the way?"

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