Chapter 11 - Drum Island

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"Nami?" You looked at your navigator, her face was heavily flushed and she looked like she was having a hard time. "Are you okay?"

She gave you a strained smile, huffing a little. "Of course...just..."

Your eyes widen, grabbing the orange haired girl before she fell face first. You twitched at the intense heat, and screamed, "N-NAMI HAS FALLEN DOWN WITH A HIGH FEVER!" 

 You twitched at the intense heat, and screamed, "N-NAMI HAS FALLEN DOWN WITH A HIGH FEVER!" 

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Everyone started scrambling, yelling and looking like a bunch of headless chicken. You sighed, picking up Nami to bring her to the girl's cabin. You laid her down in her bed, and covered her with a blanket. You pressed your hand on top of Nami's forehead, pulling back when the temper seem to only increase. 

"I-Is Nabi-swan going to die?" Sanji sobbed, chewing on a piece of cloth. "Is she, (Y-N)-sama?!"

"Of course not, we won't let her." You confirmed, affectionately rubbing Sanji on the head. He blushed and reeled back, twitching under your touch. 

Vivi sighed and sat back, "It must have been because of the sudden climate change. Is there anyone on the ship with some medical knowledge?" 

Everyone pointed to you. You sweat dropped, "Uhm...I can only clean wounds..."

Luffy huffed, "Just feed her some meat and she'll be better, right Sanji?"

Sanji looked serious, "It may not actually cure her since I always put 100 times more effort into Nami-swan, Vivi-chan and (Y/N)-sama's food. Clearly it's a different type of illness and unless I know what is it, then I won't know what meals is best."

You took out the thermometer from Nami's mouth, Vivi looking over your shoulder, "40 degrees?!"

Usopp crossed his arms, "There should be doctors in Alabasta right? How much longer before we get there?"

Vivi slump down, "I don't know but it's definitely more than a week."

"Is being sick really that painful?" Luffy curiously asked. 

You shook your head as your crew members all asked the same question. Vivi yelled at them, calling them unbelievable for not having been sick before and you chuckled, gently explaining, "40 degrees almost never happens. In fact, I think this is enough to put her life at risk."

"WHAT?!" Luffy, Sanji and Usopp all shouted. 

Zoro was still outside, left to watch over the ship. 

"We have to find a doctor to save Nami. As far as I know, if we let her be, she'll die." You spoke dimly, looking at Vivi. The Princess was clearly torn apart, if her blue eyes shaking are anything to go by. 

Even though, you had pledge a promise to Vivi that you guys would save Vivi's country—Nami was your priority. 

"No." Nami opened her eyes, straining herself as she sat up, face still flushed, "There's a newspaper on my desk."

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