Chapter 20 - Watergate 7

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You let a breath of relief as the train went past the ship and didn't actually hit Going Merry. You jumped down, going with Luffy just in time to see the little girl introducing herself and the drunk old lady. 

"I'm Chimney! This is Gonbe the cat and that's my granny Kokoro!" Chimney happily introduced. 

"I thought you were train robbers

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"I thought you were train robbers. Kakakaka!" The drunk old lady laughed. 

You sweated dropped, even she had a unique laugh like Luffy. 

"Chimney? That was a steam-powered boat, right?" Nami asked and the little girl nodded. "How was it able to float?"

Chimneygiggled, "You've never seen it before right? That's a sea train and it's name is Puffing Tom."

"Puffing Tom?" You repeated. 

"It's a steam-powered car that moves on the railroad in the sea!"

Now that she mentioned it, there was rail tracks in the sea. That was so cool. 

"But no matter how you warn, the frog won't understand. You ram into it and the frog went flying..." Luffy huffed. "Plus, he was our prey."

"Ah, his name is Yokojina, he's been a nuisance for a long time. He likes to compete his strength with others and he's been trying to beat the train."

You snort. A frog trying to beat a train?

"I guess we won't eat the frog." Luffy concluded and you shook your head. 

"So where are you off to?" Kokoro asked. 

"We need a carpenter." You said. 

She raised a brow, "Then go to Water 7, the train you saw came from the Blue Station there. The place is true to its nickname, the city of water. It's a city with the world's best ship factories."

Luffy's face lit up, "Alright. It's decided, we're going there and finding a carpenter to be our friend!"

Nami sighed, "I guess we have no choice."

Kokoro looked through her pockets and passed something to you, "Take this. It's a simple map and a letter of recommendation. Let these guys restore your ship. Becareful not to get lost."

"Thank you, ma'am." You bowed to her. 

She laughed and waved you off. 

You pressed the map to Nami who stared at it and threw it down, "It's completely useless!"

You giggled, going back inside the cabin while everyone else were deciding to what kind of carpenter they wanted. 

You were barely even a minutes inside before someone shouted land-hooo!

You groaned, coming back out again and your mouth fell open. You still couldn't get used to seeing beautiful islands. 

Water 7 was just like most of the islands you went through. Gorgeous. 

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