Shot 9

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Sanskar's pov


I am the biggest stupid... I shouldn't have behaved like that... I should have controlled myself... But My bad temper.! When she said those words, I can't control myself that I lashed out at my innocent Jaan...

Jaan.!!! My Jaan must have hurted so much... I instantly regretted seeing her hurted face and she blinked her big doe eyes rapidly to hide her tears... I ran my hands through my hair in frustration and angry on myself for treating her like that... She is fragile, I should have thought before speaking like that with her...

I wanted to hold her and console her badly but She stepped back from me which just pierced my heart... I really don't like it whenever she stepped away from me... I wanted her in my arms always but stupid her, she is not understanding...

Karan asked me to apologise, And I am ready to ask thousands of sorry from her... I would do anything for her but she just told that she wants to be alone and walked away from there before I could stop her...

I wanted to go back of her, to make sure she is fine... I want to hug her in my embrace and ask sorry from her for behaving like a JERK... But this Idiot Karan has held me and asked me to leave her free for sometime... I gave up frustratedly and walked to the drinking counter clenching my fist tightly...

But I can't sit here when she is sad there... I know she might not have want to see me now... So I asked Karan to look for her after few minutes... He who already worried about her, instantly stood up nodding and walked into the crowded pub...

I am clenching and unclenching my fist trying to control my impatience... I am worried about her badly... If someone said that I would be worried like hell for a girl before one month, I would have slapped them hard for making impossible silly jokes... But now it became True, She has changed ME..!

I don't know what is that I am feeling about her but I know that I can't live without her... I just need her beside me always...

I am sitting here for past half an hour worried and tensed for My Jaan, and this Karan also lost somewhere... The pub is filled with many jerks who would do anything if they found my innocent Jaan, which is making me frustrated... I can't sit like this anymore...

I thought to check her on myself so that I can breathe... But before that I heard THAT..!!!


I turned as someone no it's not, but my Jaan calling me loudly... In this loud music, I can easily hear her chirpy tone... Relief washed over me seeing her fine and standing infront of me... My facial features turned soft on seeing Her..!

She stumbled before me, I quickly stood up and held her before she could fall... She giggled cutely looking at me...

Something is weird..! She is not standing properly, her eyes are twinkling mischievously, there's something more in that big doe eyes which I couldn't find out, she is smiling wide at me and she called me- wait..!!!

She called me boyfriend..!!! I frowned deeply as she had called me like that when she was drunk...

"Jaan, Are you drunk?"

I know she is, before she could tell... She wrapped her arms around my neck still spreading her that magical smile which is making my heart flutter...

"No boyfriend..!!! Drinking is bad habit, And I am very goodieee girl... I won't do that"

She said in her cute kiddo tone... A smile tugged at my lips knowing that she is thinking me as her boyfriend now, wholeheartedly... Has she forgotten everything as she is drunk???

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