Shot 19

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My heart is racing inside fast, thudding in fear. My hands are almost trembling while I paced in my room frantically, trying to think of doing something.

I don't know what is going to happen, I never thought it would turn out like this. I am extremely worried and somewhat afraid thinking what they're gonna do now.

It's almost a week that Sanskar and I have started going out in night. That day I and Karan Bhai enjoyed eating our ice-creams and we trio spend much quality time, after that Bhai has left to his home while Sanskar just drove us around the city and we ended sleeping in his car like the other night.

Like that, it became our routine. Every night I would sneak out of mansion, Sanskar would take me anywhere like park, beach, mall and even one night we have watched movie. We would sleep in car, in the corner of my street and in early morning I would return to Mansion before anyone could know.

We were so happy and it was going well until today morning. When I was sneaking in through the gate, I saw my so called mother in the garden. I thought to escape before she could notice me but to my bad luck she already went to my room and found about my bed set. And much to my bad luck, she also found the phone which was given by Sanskar, that I was hiding behind me.

She was extremely angry that she slapped me there itself after seeing my calls and messages in the phone which is clearly showing that I have been contacting Sanskar. I was so astonished and tensed, the slap didn't pain much as I kinda expected it when I saw her angry face. I just stood there, holding my cheek trying to control my tears.

After that she dragged me inside the Mansion where already my step father and Ragini were sitting, looking pissed.

My step father's leg became fine but not his cast in arm and he is using walking stick for easy walking. While all the bruises in his body started fading as same as Ragini. But her burnt marks are still there like Doctor said, it would not fade before six months. That was so frustrating her as she couldn't go anywhere outside without tons and tons of makeup to hide them, which would actually make her looking like a clown.

Laksh hasn't released yet, from the jail. From what I heard, he has been punishing so hard as Mr. SM made sure of that. Maheshwari family is trying hard to take him in bail but it's not happening.

They three were so furious and scolded me harshly for keeping secret relationship with Sanskar, they called me with mean names which hurted me very bad. Then they locked me in my room after making sure that I have no other phone in my room. They made it clear that I am not meeting Sanskar from now on and also not coming out of the room, not even for work as they ordered Kamala Maa to work inside Mansion.

It's afternoon, I am here fearing what they would do to me. I am afraid that I won't be able to see or talk to Sanskar again. And moreover how he would find that they have locked me inside. There is no way to escape from here also. My heart is paining in worry and helplessness.

What if they put case on Sanskar? What if they hurt him in some way? What if they never let me meet him again? What will I do without Sanskar in my life?

After my realisation, my love has build high for Sanskar in this past week. We got more closer and I became so carefree with him. These days were the most beautiful days in my life as Sanskar made me so happy. He told me that everything is almost ready and he would take me from here in two days.

But before that everything is spoiled. What I am gonna do now? How do I tell him that they have found out? I can't be able to live without him.!

What is making me more terrific is that the Gadodias' are not in their good state right now. I don't clearly know what happened but this week was so hard for them. I heard that my stepfather's business has gone under a huge loss that he became bankrupt now. They were so worried and horrified knowing the sudden loss. They are also very very frustrated that they're facing big financial problem right now.

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