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'I'll be back in a second guys; no funny business while I'm gone,' Mrs Baxter said, as she got to her feet and exited the classroom.

That left myself and Ryker alone; me sat in the front row at the far left side and Ryker two rows behind me in the middle. School was over but the pair of us were serving our hour long detention of sitting in silence doing work until Mrs Baxter dismissed us.

'You know this is your fault, right?' Ryker said, the second the door closed.

'Ryker, just...don't, okay,' I said, letting out a breath as I refused to turn around to look at his annoying face. 'I'm not in the mood.'

'Quite a change from earlier today,' he said. 'I'll take your apology for that slap anytime now, by the way.'

'You'll be waiting a while then,' I muttered.

'Why are your knickers always in such a twist, Flossy?' he asked, making me flare my nostrils and turn around. He was sat slouched in his chair, twirling his pen slowly between his fingers as a smile greeted his face upon making eye contact with me.

'If you continue to call me that I swear to god,' I said, with a scowl.

'You'll what?' he asked. 'Hit me again?'

'Just leave me alone,' I sighed.

'I really bug you, don't I?' he said.

'Honestly, Ryker, yes, you really do,' I said, nodding quickly at him. 'You just turn up unannounced and make it your goal to piss me off.'

'I don't make it my goal,' he said. 'I am how I am and you simply don't like it. You've chosen to believe that it's personal when in fact it's not.'

'It's not personal is it not?' I asked, as I scoffed. 'Because it sure feels like it.'

'Honestly, Flossy,' he said, with a serious expression. 'I really don't give enough of a shit about you to make it my goal to annoy you. I have more important things going on than to try and piss you off.'

'It really doesn't seem that way to me,' I muttered.

'That's because you're self-absorbed and think the world revolves around you,' he said, with a soft shrug. His words automatically enraged me. I never usually reacted so quickly to somebody this way but no matter what Ryker said, he always managed to get a reaction from me in an instant.

'How dare you?' I hissed.

'There you go again,' he sighed. 'Trust me when I say, I have no interest in fucking up your relationship with Mason. I'm sure you'll manage to do that on your own one day.'

'Oh really?' I said, scowling hard at him.

'We both know you're not right for him,' he said.

I automatically felt the jolt of pain in my chest. His words instantly hurt me and a little part of what he said didn't surprise me at all. I had thought that Mason was too good for me plenty times, being that his background was so different to mine and he had everything that I'd never had. Even his parents believed I wasn't good enough for him. Now his best friend was telling me the same thing, how could I not believe it was true?

'Yeah well, I don't care what you think,' I mumbled, turning back around in my seat.

My eyes began to sting a little as I felt the need to cry and I pursed my lips and blinked rapidly to try and compose myself. Like hell would I let Ryker see me crying, especially when he was the reason for it. He would love that.

'I know you don't care what I think,' he continued, as I rolled my eyes and kept them focused on the wall in front of me. 'But you care what his family think and his team mates and his friends that have been around a while. They're all nice to you, right? But what do you think they're really saying behind your back?'

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