Fourty Nine

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'Amelia!' Abbie called, waving to me as I scanned the busy hallway looking for her.

I smiled as we approached each other and both turned to head towards the main doors at the end of the school day.

'I got results back for that practice test Mr Carpenter gave us,' I told her, feeling ecstatic to tell her how well I'd done in Geography.

'Oh really?' Abbie said. 'You studied for that! I hope it's a good one.'

'I got a B!' I exclaimed, lifting my paper up that I'd had hidden by my side.

'Aaaah! I'm so proud!' Abbie squealed, taking the paper from me and immediately going over my answers. 'I'll hold onto this so I can go over the areas I think you need some extra help on, then you'll be on your way to an A.'

'Thank you,' I said, sighing happily as I linked her and we exited through the doors. 'I can't wait to tell Ryker. He had a test in English too so I hope he did well.'

'Ellen is tutoring him,' Abbie said, as she continued reading through my paper. 'She's so smart and she tells me he's doing really good.'

'That makes me so happy,' I replied. 'He's really doing everything he can to turn his life around.'

'Well, he certainly has you to thank for it,' Abbie said, as we crossed campus, exited the gates and headed up the street. 'Since he met you, he's definitely changed for the better.'

'Does this mean you're starting to relax a little bit?' I asked, nudging her.

'Relax, yes,' she replied. 'I don't fully trust him yet but if he keeps going the way he is then I'll get there. It's still soon.'

'I can accept that,' I said. 'Anyway, are we in for a hardcore study session tonight? Ryker says he's staying behind at school with Ellen.'

'Oh, we sure are,' Abbie replied. 'We'll go over these few questions you got low marks on and I can show you how to explain your answers in more detail and what important points you missed out that lost you the marks.'

'Sounds good,' I said. 'Imagine me getting an A, I never even imagined I could get a B but after seeing that grade when he placed my paper down, I really believe now that I can achieve anything.'

'I've been telling you this all along,' Abbie replied. 'You're a very smart girl.'

'Mr Carpenter said he was really proud of me,' I told her.

'We're all proud,' Abbie said. 'Wait until you tell your mum, she'll be beaming!'

'Yeah, she will,' I laughed.

Abbie and I continued our walk through the park, taking the long route and eventually we came to my neighbourhood. I'd spent the journey telling her everything that had happened at Ryker's place the day before followed by our encounter with Mason earlier in the day.

'I can't believe it,' Abbie said. 'I knew Ryker had it bad but I didn't realise he had it so awful.'

'He really does, Ab,' I sighed. 'I wish I could take it all away for him but he's adamant he has to stick around for his mum and I can understand that. All I keep thinking is that everything will be okay in the end because he'll be sharing his future with me and he will have a happy home one day.'

'It's crazy that you guys talk about the future,' Abbie said. 'But it's cute. I'm happy for you guys. Obviously, it will be a lot easier for you now that Mason is leaving school.'

'I know,' I replied, as I unlocked the door and we stepped into my house.

'Amelia?' Christine called, from the kitchen, quickly stepping out and speeding down the passageway. 'Hello, Abbie.'

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