Thirty Six

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'Hey, where are you?' I asked Abbie, as I gave up waiting outside of the classroom after fifth period ended.

'I'm so sorry!' Abbie groaned. 'One of the students I tutor is having a total meltdown over a bad grade and I had no choice but to meet her after class. Why don't you quickly come to the tutor centre and wait for me? I'll only be half an hour.'

'No, it's okay,' I told her, as I began strolling down the corridor. 'I'll just head home.'

'Will you be okay?' she asked. 'If you want I can ask Carrie to take over and I'll come meet you now?'

'Don't be silly,' I replied. 'I'll be okay, honestly. I'm just going to take a slow walk home. Maybe the alone time will be good.'

'Well, I can come to your house as soon as I'm done,' she said.

'Abbie, go home,' I giggled. 'You've been by my side for days and I love you for it but you need a break from me and even I know that.'

'I don't!' she exclaimed. 'I'm totally fine; I want to be there for you!'

'I know you do,' I laughed. 'But go home tonight, take a shower, sleep in your own bed. I'll be okay.'

'Well, I will most definitely call you,' she said.

'Okay,' I said, with a smile. 'Speak to you later.'

As I hung up, I ignored the daunting feeling of enduring a walk home on my own. Being alone meant also being alone with my thoughts and I'd been with Abbie day and night since the whole thing began and without her, I was scared I might lose it again.

'Hey!' I jumped as a loud voice startled me as I turned the corner to the main doors and I instantly relaxed and smiled.

'Mason,' I said. 'That's the second time you've scared me this week.'

'Sorry,' he laughed.

'What are you doing?' I asked, as I paid attention to the notice he was pinning to the board.

'Oh, its just for the rugby game next week,' he said. 'You should come and see me play. It's going to be the biggest game of the year.'

'Maybe I will,' I replied, knowing deep down that I most likely wouldn't.

'You headed home?' he asked.

'Yeah,' I said. 'Abbie is caught up tutoring so I'm just off to take a slow stroll on my own.'

'Well, if you want I can walk you home,' Mason said.

I looked at him awkwardly, feeling unsure of whether it was a good idea or not but then I reminded myself that we were friends now and I wasn't doing anything wrong. Plus, having someone to talk to would stop me thinking about Ryker.

'Sure,' I said.

'Cool, well, let's go,' he said, picking up his backpack and swinging it onto his shoulder.

We both walked to the doors and stepped outside into the sun. It was perfect weather for a walk and I was actually looking forward to catching up with him a little bit.

'Oh, wait,' I said, as we began to head down the stone steps. He paused and turned to me and I moved backwards up the steps. 'I need to get something from my locker; just wait here, I'll be two seconds.'

'Sure,' Mason said, taking a seat on the step.

I quickly headed back inside and the main corridor was almost empty now. Heading to my locker, I quickly unlocked it and opened it up, grabbing the textbook I needed to study tonight from my list Abbie had written. Slamming it shut, I turned around to head back outside and stopped as I spotted Ryker leaning against the opposite lockers with his arms folded across his chest. I frowned as I studied his emotionless expression as he stared at me and I wondered if he'd been there the whole time and I hadn't noticed.

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