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Right guys, this is the final chapter I'll be posting as a single update as in a couple days time I'm going to add all remaining chapters. There really is no point in me updating chapter by chapter when the full story is finished and ready to post so I will upload it all in a few days and then it's there for you all to finish in your own time as you please❤️

I lay my head against the window of the taxi as we finally pulled into my street and it stopped outside of my house. The second Ryker had disappeared out of view and the doors closed, I'd turned and left the station; I wasn't prepared to watch the train leave too and hurt myself even more. We'd hopped into a taxi and I hadn't spoken a word the whole ride home and Abbie hadn't said anything to me either but she had been sat close by us in the station and she'd heard everything, so she knew exactly what was going on in my head.

We finally set foot through the front door and I slowly dragged myself down to the kitchen, where Christine was stood behind the counter looking furious.

'Where were you?' she asked, crossly.

'What?' I mumbled, unsure of why she was so mad but equally as unbothered about her reason for it too.

'Why did you walk out of work halfway through a shift?' she cried. 'I just got off the phone with Bernie; the staff called her! She gave you a chance and you just left right in the middle of a chaotic rush!'

'I didn't really think about it to be honest,' I said, my voice flat and nonchalant as a result of how numb I felt. 'I also don't really care.'

'Excuse me?' she said, her face twisting in anger.

'Christine,' Abbie said, stepping forward awkwardly. 'It's actually kind of-.'

'Abbie, I would much prefer it if you stayed out of this and refrained from making excuses for her,' Christine interjected. 'There is no excuse for ditching work. Do you know how stupid you've made both of us look? I recommended you and you promised to be professional and you've completely embarrassed me. Bernie is my friend!'

'I don't care!' I yelled.

'What the hell has gotten into you?' Christine cried. 'I know you're having a hard time but how dare you speak to me like that! I thought you were past all of that!'

'Because you're pissing me off!' I screeched. 'Yelling at me isn't going to change what happened or make me give a shit so leave me the fuck alone!'

I turned and left the room, marching up the stairs as I wiped my silent tears and headed to my room, laying down on my bed so I could be alone to reminisce my final conversation with Ryker.

I had experienced more than my fair share of heartache since meeting him. Every single time it went away it had always come back with a vengeance and hurt twice as hard. I'd thought it couldn't get any worse than when Ryker had told me he didn't really love me but this was truly like no other pain I'd ever felt in my life. I would rather still think he didn't love me and hate him for it than know how he really felt and have him torn away from me for good; the latter hurt a million times more. It was excruciating. I'd always believed heartache was really just in your mind because you missed someone so bad but now that I was experiencing it, it felt like the most physical thing I'd ever encountered. It was like somebody was physically grasping onto my heart and slowly crushing it. I felt the ache in my chest; it was very real. It was soul destroying. I craved for him to be back with me, even if it was just for five more minutes with him.

I had no idea why a boy I'd hated so much at the start, and not even had a lot of time with after we fell for each other, had hit me so hard. Falling in love really does happen so quickly and so out of nowhere; you really have no choice when it comes to it and once you're submerged in it, getting back out feels impossible.

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