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'Mason!' I called, as I clicked his front door shut and paced through the hall. There was no reply from the kitchen or the lounge, so I knew he was in his room.

I headed up the dazzling spiral staircase to the first floor and down the hall to the very end where Mason's room was. I had stayed over many times, in the hopes that he and I would finally do the deed, and I really loved his room. It was exactly what you'd expect from an athlete with sports banners on the walls and shelves with his trophies and awards.

'Mason?' I said, as I knocked and opened the door, stepping inside to see him with his back turned to me as he placed his iPhone into the docking station and started playing some quiet music.

I stepped into the room and closed the door as he turned around and smiled at me, approaching me to give me a hug.

'Hi,' I said, with a huge grin, as I wrapped my arms around his waist to show him I was no longer angry.

'Hey babe,' he said, a look of relief on his face, as he leaned down and pecked me on the lips.

'No kiss for me, Flossy?' The sound of Ryker's voice made my head turn quickly to where he was laid on Mason's bed, smirking at me again.

Remember, Amelia, you have to be nice and friendly to this jerk; it's all part of the plan.

I exhaled and gave myself a mental pep-talk before forcing on a cheerful smile and letting out a chuckle.

'None for you today, Ryker,' I joked, turning back to Mason to kiss him once more before moving to the bean bag near the foot of the bed.

'You seem very chirpy today, babe,' Mason said, moving to the bed where he sat on the edge by Ryker's legs.

'Really?' I asked, playing dumb as I shook my head slowly. 'I'm just happy to see you I guess.'

'I know we were supposed to be watching a movie together just the two of us but Ryk just stopped by for a little while,' Mason said, eyeing me awkwardly.

'Oh yeah, that's totally cool,' I said, nodding as I bared my teeth with a smile that appeared friendly but deep down I wanted to punch Ryker in the face for once again trying to come between us.

'That's okay?' Mason asked, frowning a little.

'Of course; I don't mind at all,' I said, turning my attention to the TV where some music video was playing.

'Okay, she's definitely high,' Ryker said. 'Sharing is caring, Flossy.'

'I'm not high,' I said to him, letting out a fake giggle.

'You're being weird,' Ryker said, raising a curious brow at me.

'I'm not being weird,' I sighed. 'I just...realised that I was a bitch to you and you're Mason's best friend and we ought to get along so...sorry...for being a total cow.'

That was the hardest thing I'd ever had to do in my lifetime! Saying the S-word to Ryker Wanker Jordan was the ultimate torture.

'Thanks, babe,' Mason said, with a huge smile. 'I'm so glad you just said that. I totally agree that you guys just need to get on. You're both real similar, I honestly think you'd really like each other.'

Doubt it, babe!

The plan was working already though. Mason was happy all thanks to my amazing acting skills and now it was on Ryker to be nice back to me and make himself look like a dick if he didn't. Hopefully, he would say something mean to me and Mason would have my back.

'I doubt we're anything alike,' Ryker said, his voice a low growl as he narrowed his eyes and studied me carefully. I shifted a little, tucking my hair behind my ear as I dropped my eyes to the floor as if making eye contact with him would give my plan away.

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