Twenty Four

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'So, we're going to go over trigonometric ratios once again today, since every single one of you seemed to struggle with that in the mock test last week,' Miss. Thomas announced, as everybody groaned in unison.

I rolled my eyes as I tried to remember what trigonometric ratios even was and I was immediately distracted as Ryker entered the classroom.

'Ryker,' Miss. Thomas sighed. 'I won't continue to put up with your punctuality, okay; you either get here on time or don't come at all.'

'Well, if you're giving me the choice,' he replied, pointing to the door with his thumb as he paused, and the class giggled quietly.

'Don't be a smart arse, Mr Jordan,' Miss. Thomas replied.

'You started it, Miss,' he said, smirking as he took his seat.

He gave me the slightest glance as he moved to his seat and I gave him a small smile, which he returned before returning his gaze to Miss. Thomas.

For the next hour of class, I did not hear a single word Miss. Thomas said as my mind was totally distracted with Ryker being so close. I kept watching him; the way he furrowed his brows as he listened and tried to understand what the teacher was explaining to us, the way his face softened as he gave himself a quick nod when he understood what she was saying. I noticed that he was left handed and when he was deep in concentration as he wrote in his notebook, he clutched onto his hair with his right hand.

Half an hour into class, he pulled off his jacket and let it drop onto the back of his chair. The movement caused the scent from it to drift towards me and the second I smelled it, thoughts of kissing him popped into my head and it was all I could reminisce over for the remainder of class.

Eventually, the bell rang and after learning not a single thing about trigonometric ratios, I left class, walking past Ryker on the way to the door and he pulled on his jacket and moved out of his seat, coming to stand right by my side and we paced out of the classroom and into the hall together.

'So, did your mum and dad see us last night?' he asked.

'What do you mean?' I asked him.

'They didn't question who you were talking to at the door or anything?' he asked. 'They didn't know what?'

'No,' I replied, pressing my lips together to hold back my grin. 'Why do you ask?'

'I just know that they really liked Mason and I wasn't sure if they knew you weren't together so, I wasn't sure if I'd caused shit for you by coming or something,' he said.

'Course not,' I replied. 'I just said it was a friend; they don't ask questions really.'

'So we're friends now?' he questioned, turning to look at me with a humorous smirk on his face.

'Sure,' I laughed, as we both turned the corner and headed towards the lockers. 'If you want to be.'

'If I want to be,' he repeated, thoughtfully. 'Well, I guess I...'

We both slowed down as a small and skinny brunette girl with long, wavy hair, bright blue eyes and bronzed skin quickly walked from her locker to the middle of the hall, stopping in front of us. Her name was Emma and I had seen her around school and at Cassie's parties but had never spoken to her before.

'Hi Ryker,' she said, flipping her hair over her shoulder before she popped her hip out to the side and gave him a flirtatious smile.

'Alright, Emma,' he mumbled, and I immediately noticed him tense up. He began glancing around the corridor, looking everywhere but at Emma and I knew I had to hang around to see what was going on.

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