Thirty Three

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Prepare for your typical first world girl problems💁🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

'Amelia, please just calm down!' Abbie cried, as I blurred out the full story with tears in my eyes as we met up at the gates after school.

I'd called her the second I'd got out of class and told her to meet me and the second I saw her, I broke down.

'Why would he say that?' I sobbed. 'It's just so blunt and cold!'

'Maybe you should actually try and call him and find out what's really going on,' Abbie said. 'Maybe he's in a situation where he just really can't answer the phone right now and that's what he meant.'

'Something is wrong,' I told her. 'God, I just kept thinking about how much I wanted to tell him my good news and the next thing he's messing with my head again!'

'What news?' Abbie asked.

'I got accepted for a photography apprenticeship,' I said, bluntly, not feeling particularly in the mood to get excited about it.

'That's amazing!' Abbie cried. 'I'm so happy for you!'

'Abbie, what am I going to do?' I asked her.

'Maybe you should give him a little space in case something is going on and wait for him to call you,' she said.

'And if he never calls?' I asked her.

'Well...I guess it's best we don't think about that right now until we know,' she said. 'Let's walk home and get milkshakes on the way, I really want to hear more about your apprenticeship and it'll keep your mind distracted!'

'I don't want to talk about that,' I sighed. 'My head is a mess!'

'So then call him!' Abbie cried. 'You know you're going to do it anyway.'

'But what if he gets mad?' I asked. 'He literally just told me not to call.'

'Exactly,' Abbie sighed. 'So let's walk home and by the time we get there it'll seem more appropriate to call giving that over an hour will have passed since he texted you that.'

'Good idea,' I said, sniffing as I wiped my wet cheeks and the pair of us headed to the road to make way to my house.

Abbie tried to distract me on our walk but I couldn't focus on anything else other than rambling on about Ryker and she listened anyway. Eventually, we got to my house and headed up to my room where I sat on my bed nervously and pulled out my phone.

'Okay, I'm going to call him,' I said.

'Okay,' Abbie replied, taking a seat at my desk chair. 'Just be cool and casual like you're not overthinking his message and you're just checking everything is okay because the message seemed a little bit worrying.'

'Okay,' I said, exhaling as I dialled him. 'Be cool and casual.'

I bit my lip nervously as it rang and I became increasingly worried the longer it went on. Eventually, it reached voicemail and I hung up, looking anxiously at Abbie as she looked back at me sympathetically.

'I'm going to try again,' I said, redialling him.

'Maybe just leave a message and he'll call you back,' Abbie said.

As the phone rang again, Ryker didn't pick up and I waited for the voicemail to play and beep before I spoke. 'Hi, Ryker, it's just me. I'm just checking in to see if everything's okay after your last text message, sounded a little serious so, please just let me know you're alright. Okay, bye.'

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