Fourty Seven

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The next day, school came and went, finally coming to an end and I stepped out of Geography to see a grinning Ryker leaning against the wall in the hallway.

'Hello,' I smiled, excitedly, quickly rushing over to him and he instantly kissed me and took my hand.

'Thought I had to start doing normal boyfriend things like meeting you after class,' he said, smirking as we paced up the hallway hand in hand.

'Are you walking me home?' I asked, smiling up at him.

'Well...actually, I had another idea,' he said.

'Oh, yeah, what?' I asked.

'How about we take a walk to Bernie's?' he suggested.

'Oh, I can't do that,' I replied, softly frowning at him. 'You know I walked out mid-shift.'

'Exactly...for me,' he said.

'So, I can't go in there for dinner,' I laughed. 'That's completely disrespectful.'

'I wasn't planning on us eating in a cosy booth,' he said, and I glanced up at him curiously. 'I was thinking more try and get your job back.'

'Oh, Ryker, I'm not doing that,' I sighed. 'It's too embarrassing.'

'Let me explain it to them,' he said. 'Let me take the blame somehow because you only left to try and stop me leaving.'

'It's fine, it's not your fault,' I said. 'I've probably lost my job indefinitely so, I'll just find another one.'

'But you really liked it there,' he said, as we finally stepped out of the building and walked across campus.

'I did,' I replied. 'But it's just a job.'

'Well, please let me try and help you get it back,' he said. 'I really want you to get your life back on track before all of my chaotic drama ruined it completely.'

'Please don't say things like that,' I replied.

'It's true,' he said. 'Things are really good for us, your mum is cool, Abbie is cool, you're studying hard; I want to fix all of the things I fucked up for you.'

'It's past fixing,' I sighed.

'Did they actually fire you?' Ryker asked.

'No, I haven't heard from them actually,' I replied. 'But Bernie found out and she called Christine and told her so I guess it kind of does mean I'm fired.'

'Please let us try,' Ryker said. 'If you just go in there, apologise, we'll explain the situation, I mean maybe exaggerate a little bit to make it seem like it was a real emergency; I'm sure they'll understand.'

'Ugh, fine,' I groaned. 'I'm only saying yes because I know if I say no you'll go down there yourself anyway and that thought just gives me anxiety.'

'What?' Ryker laughed, loudly. 'What the hell for?'

'They'll take one look at you when you walk in there and press the panic button,' I chuckled. 'Then when they tell you "no, she's fired" and you lose your shit then that's when they'll call the police.'

'What do you take me for?' Ryker asked, jokingly. 'Me, lose my shit? Never in a million years.'

'You know it's true,' I laughed. 'So we'll go but let me do the talking.'

'Very well,' Ryker laughed, as we strolled across the street and made our way towards the town centre.

Walking through the streets, hand in hand with Ryker was truly the most remarkable feeling. To a random passer-by, we just looked like a normal, young couple out walking together, but in reality, nobody had a single clue as to how much this normal and simple thing brought me so much happiness. It was a scenario I had never ever imagined would happen for us. Even if Ryker hadn't left, I never thought we could ever be together like a normal couple but we had made it and I knew that I never planned to ever let him go.

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