Twenty Nine

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The silence was drowning me as I stared at Cassie in complete shock and everybody else around us stared right at me, waiting for my reaction.

'Amelia?' Abbie's voice broke me out of my daze and I looked around at everyone, their faces no longer amused or smug and then I looked at Ryker, who had his hand across his mouth as he clutched his cheeks tightly and stared into space with a look of rage that I could see he was trying to hold back. Then my eyes flickered to Mason, who was staring at me with pleading, apologetic, desperate eyes.

'You slept with Cassie,' I said, my voice croaky and weak. I had no idea why I was saying it. I had no idea what to even say at all. I would have believed that Ryker had slept with her more than Mason and that thought alone just added a little extra feeling of guilt on top of all of the other mixed emotions running through me.

'Amelia,' Cassie said, getting to her feet as she paced over to me. 'I'm sorry! We were both so drunk; please, it obviously didn't mean anything.'

In all of the drama of finding out about Mason and Cassie, all I could do was wonder one specific thing as I turned to look at Ryker. 'Did you know about this?'

'No,' he replied, calmly, as he looked back at me with pity in his eyes. 'He was still asleep when I left him there and went home.'

Of course he didn't know about it, he was just the person she'd decided to use as a cover up because, of course, sleeping with Ryker Jordan was certainly a believable lie given his so called reputation.

'How did it even happen?' Abbie asked Cassie. 'If he was passed out drunk then how the hell did it happen?'

'He was passed out drunk!' Cassie cried. 'I went upstairs for a lie down because I'd taken too much coke and felt out of it! We were both lying there together for some time and then we both came around and it just happened!'

'Is that why you've been so nice to me?' I asked her, as I continued to try and gather myself to make sense of this.

'No!' Cassie cried. 'I've meant every word I've ever said to you about us being friends!'

'Okay,' I murmured.

'Amelia, believe me, I did not mean to hurt you or get one over on you or anything of the sort!' she exclaimed. 'It honestly could have been anyone!'

'You know what, Cassie?' I said, letting out a breath. 'We had literally just began resolving our problems at that point and honestly, you don't owe me any explanation.'

'I do,' she said. 'Because we're friends now and I need you to know that I'm sorry I lied; I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.'

'You don't have to apologise,' I said. 'We're not even together so it's not like you slept with my boyfriend.'

'Really?' she said, her eyes hopeful. 'Well...thank you for saying that. Thank you for understanding but I really hope this doesn't change anything for us.'

'That's okay, it won't,' I said, ever so calmly, as I tried to remain as cool-headed as possible. I had no idea how I was doing it but truthfully, my mind was spinning and I didn't know what to think.

'You're really okay with this?' Abbie asked me. 'As simple as that?'

'I'm glad you're understanding why it happened, Amelia,' Mason said, as he twiddled his thumbs nervously and smiled at me. 'Cassie was right when she said it meant nothing and also like she said, she probably would have slept with anyone if they'd been there instead of me.'

'Oh my god, you're such a dick,' Cassie said, scowling at him.

'Cassie, don't make this turn ugly, okay,' Mason told her. 'Amelia already said it was cool.'

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