Thirty One

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Note: I wanted this scene to be as real as possible. Sex scenes aren't something I particularly love writing but I know they're important - especially when it's sex for the first time. I even used parts of my own experience to write this so I hope what I've written is a good depiction of sex for the first time and opening yourself up to someone intimately this way for the first time as well as making it clear what consent throughout sex from start to finish looks like and how it should always be🖤

The two of us sat on my bed, side by side, kissing gently as the nerves rattled inside of my body at the very thought of what was about to happen. I'd longed for it for some time now; I'd so desperately wanted to have sex with someone and no longer be a virgin. I'd wanted to know what it really felt like to be that intimate with someone. It had always been Mason that I'd pictured it with and the thoughts had always felt so right but now, with Ryker sat beside me, this was more than it just feeling right. This felt fated.

As I fell out of my daze, Ryker's hands reached for the hem of my t-shirt and I flinched. I had been naked with him in his tent and he had touched me but there had been total darkness and that had somehow comforted me. Now, the light was coming in from the street and he had full view of me.

'What's wrong?' he asked, placing a gentle hand on my thigh as he looked at me worriedly. 'If you're feeling unsure...'

'I'm not,' I replied, as I felt myself blush and I sighed. 'You're just going to...see me.'

'And?' he asked.

'Well, I don't know,' I said, laughing nervously. 'I suppose I just hope you find me...'

'Okay,' Ryker said, smiling gently, as he showed that he understood. 'I don't want you to feel uncomfortable so how about you leave your t-shirt on if that makes you feel better?'

'I guess,' I mumbled, beginning to feel annoyed at myself. We were about to have sex and I was embarrassed to get naked.

'You should know that I'm not imagining or hoping that you're going to look any particular way,' he said. 'It's you, so I know it's going to be perfect but it's your first time so we're doing it whatever way you need it to be.'

'I just can't help but think about how many girls you've been with and seen naked and how perfect their bodies probably all were,' I said, shaking my head as I opened up to him and then instantly felt stupid for even bringing it up.

'To tell you the truth, I barely even remember what any of them looked like; I honestly never took the time to really look,' he said. 'I was wasted most of the times and I didn't care about them enough to remember them the next day.'

'Oh,' I said, softly.

'I know that makes me sound like a dickhead but you already know that's how I was and I want you to know that all of those girls meant nothing to me and you do,' he said. 'It's the first time I'll have sex and actually care about the person it's with so we're both experiencing something new here're not the only one who's nervous.'

'You're nervous?' I asked.

'It's your first time,' he replied. 'It's a big deal for me because it's on me to make sure it's perfect for you.'

'Wow,' I whispered. 'I didn't think you would be nervous. I'm not expecting perfect at all. I know the first time never really is perfect.'

'I guess for most people it's not,' he said. 'But for you I'll try my best to make sure it is...because I love you.'

I closed my eyes and smiled as I held back the nervous giggle and tried not to blush at his words.

'Okay,' I said, nodding at him as I smiled.

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