Thirty Nine

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The taxi finally pulled around the corner into the station car park and Abbie threw some cash his way before we both dived out of the car and ran into the entrance.

'Okay, there's the board,' Abbie said, as we studied it.

'Well, it's a 3pm train to Essex,' I said, panting to catch my breath. 'That shouldn't be too hard to find.'

I squinted as I studied the board, far too hyped up to even manage to focus on what I was looking for, a reason I was so thankful that Abbie was here with me.

'There!' she cried. 'It's got to be that one. Platform three.'

'Let's go!' I said, and we both bolted through the second doors, glancing around for the signs as we ran to take us to the platform. We headed up some stairs onto the next level and ran through the door.

'This way!' Abbie cried, and we ran, dodging past people until we finally came to the steps leading down to the platform.

'Okay, do you see him?' Abbie asked, as we both stopped and spun around several times trying to locate him.

'It's so busy!' I cried.

The platform was packed with people waiting to board and we moved a little further down, our eyes wide open as we surveyed every person.

'Oh my god,' Abbie said, slowly. 'I see him.'

'Where?!' I cried, spinning around to follow her gaze.

My heart almost melted as I spotted him leaning back against the wall, one foot propped up against it, earphones in his ears, head bowed down scrolling through his phone with two suitcases stood by him.

'This is it,' Abbie said. 'The train will be here any minute.'

'I guess I have no time to waste,' I said, feeling nervous. I knew the first thing he would do would be jump down my throat and continue with the act, but after I explained that I knew, I hoped he would cave and tell me I was right and just hug me. However, a tiny part of me was still afraid that he wouldn't do that, and that he might still want to leave.

'I'll take a seat right over there,' Abbie said, patting my arm. 'I'll be close by incase you need back up.'

I began walking slowly, with Abbie walking behind me, and my eyes locked onto him as I moved through people and headed his way, heart pounding, legs feeling weak and my hands completely shaking. After days of feeling so broken over losing him, the hope of getting him back was the most overpowering feeling I'd ever felt.

I got closer and Abbie diverted to a wooden bench nearby and eventually, I stopped several feet from him, expecting him to look up and see me. When he didn't, I walked a little closer, still waiting for him to finally notice me and when he still didn't look up, I had no choice but to reach out and touch him.

With an unsteady hand and trembling fingers, I stretched out my arm, and rested my hand gently on the hand that contained his phone, and immediately, his head darted up quickly.

I stood anxiously with my lips pressed tightly together as I prepared for the expected reaction. As predicted, his face creased up in confusion and disbelief as he whipped his earphones out quickly and stood straight. I noticed the flash of surprise on his face that almost looked happy to see me, before he remembered the part he was supposed to be playing in this fucked up situation and the scowl quickly followed.

'You've got to be fucking kidding me,' he said, shaking his head at me. 'Come on, Amelia, I know you're hurting but you're not that desperate, are you?'

'Okay, Ryker,' I said, gulping as I let his words rain in on me, telling myself to remember that he didn't mean them. 'Enough of that now.'

'Enough of what?' he asked. 'What are you doing here? How have I not made it clear enough that I don't want anything more to do with you?'

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