Fourty One

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'Alright, guys,' Cassie said, as she slowly got to her feet and approached me cautiously. 'Let's just stop and think for a we really want to start fighting here when we can all just talk nice and calmly?'

'Yeah, I'm up for talking nice and calmly,' I said, crossing my arms over my chest, although I was far from calm; I was almost shaking from the adrenaline.

I could feel it racing through my body as I stared at Mason. He wasn't giving much away with a completely straight expression but his stance seemed a little uncomfortable. All I wanted to do was run over and pound his face but I knew it would only get me in trouble.

'Yes,' Mason said, taking a few steps forward. 'I'm happy to talk.'

'Good,' Cassie said, before stepping back to give us some space to talk. 'Let's just make sure to remember that, okay?'

'Amelia, I know you're angry,' Mason began. 'But I want you to understand, I love you, that's the reason for all of this.'

'No, I'm sorry, I really don't understand,' I said, shrugging my shoulders. 'I don't understand how anybody could be such a sad, little prick with such an evil fucking mind.'

'He ruined everything,' Mason replied. 'If Abbie had caused your relationship to break down and then you found out she'd been going behind your back with your ex, you'd want her gone too!'

'I wouldn't do what you did in order to get that!' I muttered.

'Maybe I went too far,' he sighed. 'You should know, I would have never gone ahead with it.'

'But you didn't have to, did you?' I said. 'Because you had so much more and even though I told him today that I knew the truth and that he didn't have to worry anymore, he told me he still had to go because of everything else you're holding over his head.'

'I wasn't going to reveal anything about you, Amelia,' he said. 'I just wanted to get to him. As for the rest,'s not like they're innocent, is it?'

'You're a fucking arsehole,' I hissed.

'So, you saw him then,' he said, shaking his head. 'What did you do, wave him off at the station?'

I took an aggressive step forward and Cassie jumped right towards me, pulling me back. 'Amelia, do not go there, it's not worth it.'

'Yes, I did see him,' I said. 'I did wave him off. He told me he loves me. I told him I love him. No matter how far away he goes because of your sad, jealous little ways, you can't take that away from us.'

'Maybe not,' he sighed. 'But you'll both move on from it soon anyway, especially Ryk. The second he's back in Essex with all of his old flames, you'll be a distant memory...another notch on the bedpost.'

'Mason!' Cassie cried. 'If you're going to start throwing dickhead comments like that, you can leave right now!'

'He did the job you couldn't,' I told him, my disgust evident in my tone. 'The job you were too pussy to do because it had to be so special. Was your first time special enough for you then, Mason? Was your drunken fuck with Cassie special?!'

'Alright, cool it,' Cassie mumbled, before taking a few steps back again.

'Sorry,' I said to her, before arching my brow at Mason. 'Even so, that's where you're wrong. You may have sent him away but one thing you can't stop is where I go after high school.'

'Oh right,' he laughed. 'So, you're going to throw your future away and move to Essex to be with him?'

'Yeah, maybe,' I said, seriously, and his smile dropped as he frowned.

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