14 | stars of swindon

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" There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate

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" There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate."

- Linda Grayson


Within the next week, the Company had to follow through with an Army orientation program. Hazel, Catherine and Lizzie had been in England for 9 months, almost a year, and they had learned the way of the locals on many weekend passes to Swindon or London, understanding their culture and their mannerisms. 

But the women, knowing that they needed to be integrated with the men quickly if they wanted to truly felt like they were a part of the company, sat in with each initial class that was given to the group, working with the men, talking and chatting, and laughing a lot, creating little jokes, getting to know them. It helped that being apart of Virago Company had given each woman a confidence boost, mainly from the many times Thermes would call a single woman out and they'd have to be confident enough to perform a task in front of the 250 women and Thermes. They were also easy going which helped get the men to understand the women and get a feel for what they were really receptive of, a sort of mutual respect. 

The first week together had been long and slightly odd, with no amount of training included, just simply learning about England and its people. The men were always excited when they saw the women, just getting to talk with them and finally starting to get to know them. 

Hazel always enjoyed their constant company and was growing use to their own mannerisms within a few days. Joe Liebgott teased her endlessly for the littlest things, like how she held her pencil, or how her helmet was lopsided, but in the end it was all fun and games with them. 

Lizzie became close with Eugene Roe, her fellow medic, as they sat side by side through classes, talking quietly to each other, as they seemed to compliment each other's personalities pretty well. 

Catherine got along with nearly everyone and was sitting beside a new person each day, laughing or talking. 

Hazel found herself with Shifty most days, her fellow 'sniper' or sharpshooter. They had quickly connected over their similar backgrounds and likes of weaponry. Shifty had grown up hunting, just as Hazel had, so they always had something to talk about. 

During the week, one of the guys would end up coming home with her, as they got distracted while talking and found themselves where she was staying, and they'd end up coming inside for dinner, which Hazel knew the Burnett's loved. 

It was Shifty one night, then Floyd and then Bill and even Lizzie and Catherine together the next. The Burnett's loved having other people in their house, especially American soldiers who told funny stories. 

By Saturday, when the last of their basic classes had finished, the company received weekend passes to Swindon, where a supposed Saturday night dance was to occur. Sobel had given quite the regulation to the group, they weren't allowed to take off their blouses, or their coats, while they were dancing, even if they were to get warm. 

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