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" Integrity is doing the right thing

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" Integrity is doing the right thing. Even when no one is watching."

- C. S. Lewis


" I'm telling you boys, we're screwed." Bill muttered as Catherine crouched by his side that night.

" If you ask me, I'm glad Lieutenant Dike's never around." Penkala said.

" Hey you know what? We're doing alright. Even with Foxhole Norman." Malarkey said and Catherine snickered to herself.

" How alright you talk, Malark?" Catherine asked with a smirk as she crossed her arms tighter over her chest. 

" Yeah, Don, we're doing alright. We're doing alright now. In case you ain't noticed there's a little town down the hill over there, right? And in that town are these guys, and these guys are called Germans. And these Germans got tanks." Bill said.

" I know," Malarkey said.

" Yeah." Bill said a little pissed. Everyone seemed pissed though with anything at this point.

" And our side's gonna wanna go into that town. You wanna take one guess at who they're gonna want to go knocking on the goddamn doors." Bill said, exaggerating with knocking his hand on a fake door.

" I know, Bill, alright, it's me you're talking to here." Malarkey said, looking up at Bill. 

" Yeah, c'mon, Bill, not like it's Cobb or some replacement." muttered Catherine.

" Jesus Christ, we've gotta do all this was a CO, who's got his head so far up his fucking ass that lump in his throat is his goddamn nose." Bill spat. Penkala smirked a bit.

" Yeah, well, told Frances today some bullshit about her report, she can't get one order from his without saying something else on his mind." grumbled Catherine and Bill hmphed to himself.

" Hey, 1st Sergeant." Skip suddenly said and the group turned and saw it was Lip coming towards them and a smile lit up Catherine's face.

" Hey, boys. Hey, Catherine." he said as he approached.

" Hey, Sarge." Penkala said.

" Hey, Lip," Bill said as Lip stood next to where Catherine sat.

" Hey, Muck, what's the word?" Lip asked him.

" Oh, you know. Sitting around freezing our ass off. Singing Dike's praises." Skip said a bit sarcastically as Lip crossed his arms over his chest and nodded.

" Oh, yeah." Lip said, " Lieutenant Dike." Catherine glanced at Skip and then bit her lip.

" Well, I'll tell you," Lip said as he took a seat next to Catherine and she glanced over at him.

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