26 | the silencing of war

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" Silence if a gift

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" Silence if a gift. Learn to value its essence."

- Unknown


Hazel was quiet, waiting beside a tree, the only sound the crickets, the soft bombing noises in the background, and her quick breathes. Her rifle was clasped tightly in her sweaty grip and her heard had a dull ache in the back of it as she leaned up against the rough bark of the French tree, who was seeing war for a second time most likely. 

She had been moving discretely along the path of road nearby, when German voices infiltrated her ears. 

Now, she was currently positioned behind a tree, near the road, waiting for them to pass. After her landing, when she'd gone off into the forest, she had started sweating big time, and hadn't managed to come upon any other member of Easy Company or any other member that was associated with the paratroopers. 

Hazel reached up to wipe the sweat from her forehead and sighed softly, she was growing dehydrated, that's why she had a headache. Hazel reached for the canteen in her belt and slowly pulled out the canteen to take a sip from it. 

The slightly warmed water was a relief on her throat, but it didn't shake the feeling of dehydration from her system. Hazel slowly attached her canteen again to her waist. 

But then there was a crack of a branch beside her. 

Hazel froze, hand not coming off the canteen on her waist. She was quick to grab her weapon and turn quickly with her rifle, which ended up aimed straight between the eyes of a German. 

The German's green eyes were wide, staring at her, breathing heavy. 

Neither reacted at first. 

They just stared at each other, breathing heavy, terrified. 

Then the German jumped at her, knocking the weapon from her hand. 

She could've shot him. But she had frozen; you never knew your reaction in war. 

The German slammed her back to the ground, as the air escaped her lungs, as he struggled for power over her. Sweat from his face dripped off him, as he cursed angrily in German as both of them struggled to hold dominance over the other. 

But then Hazel grew calm, as his hands, twisted her wrists. She moved her free leg up and her knee went straight into his back, causing him to let out a shriek in pain, as his hands went to his back, releasing Hazel from the tight grip he had her in. 

This gave Hazel the chance, to wind up a punch and launch it straight into his nose, causing him to fall back from her body, clutching his gushing nose, and struggling to stand from his back. 

Hazel watched as he struggled, falling back from her legs, giving her the opportunity to bring her leg up and knock him in the chest, knocking him backwards on the ground. Hazel sat forward, pulling her knife from its sheath and jumping on top of the German, holding a knife to his neck. 

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