36 | the counteroffensive

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" I'm not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship

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" I'm not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship." 

- Louisa May Alcott


The NCOs managed to round up a majority of the men to start following the direction of where the Germans, went to defend the counteroffensive that was planned. They were to defend Carentan at all costs so the supplies on the Normandy beaches could continue their move inland. 

Lizzie had cleaned up what she could with Gene and the rest of the Easy Company medics before they headed out, with bloodied hands. The sun was out, shining brightly down on the soldiers that moved across the field. Lizzie was beside her 1st platoon buddies again, Perconte, Luz and Hoobler. She had missed them.

" Hey, Luz." Perconte started.

" What?" Luz asked, as Lizzie looked up from where she was walking next to Luz.

" How far we going?" Perconte exclaimed. Lizzie smirked.

" Did you even look at those sand tables, Perco?" Lizzie asked the man beside her. Frank gave her a look.

" Yes, Lizzie, but all I'm saying is that, we've been walking for a while, we won't be defending Carentan no more if we're not even close by it now." Frank said, " So honestly, how far we gonna end up going?"

" Oh, Jesus Christ, Frank, I don't know." whined George, hearing enough talk from his friend.

 " Until they tell tell us to stop."

" High ground." Hoobler said. " There's high ground up ahead."

" Okay, genius, answer me this then:" Perconte started as Luz and Lizzie started chuckling.

" Why is Easy Company the only company who's either at the front of an advance or, like now, exposed at the far edge of the line?"

" We're Easy Company, remember Frank?" Lizzie muttered, " We're always on the edges."

" To keep you on your toes." Hoobler stated, adding onto Lizzie's fact.

" No," Perconte started and Lizzie laughed, " that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that we're never in the middle. And we're the fifth of nine companies of this regiment. Able through Item. Think of it."

" How about you just walk, Perco?" Lizzie said through a laugh.

" See there, you see that?" Hoobler said pointing forward. Suddenly, gunshots ripped across the field. Luz pulled Lizzie to the ground and she slammed harshly onto the dirt. She let out a groan at the impact.

" Incoming!" someone yelled.

" No shit!" Lizzie heard someone call from a few people back.

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