20 | sobel's demise

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" Courage; the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently

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" Courage; the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently."

- Maya Angelou


" So, how'd it go?" Lizzie asked Chuck who was helping her with some boxes for the medical personnel that had been delivered.

" Well, for starters, we weren't lined up and shot." Chuck said with a hint of a laugh. Lizzie smirked at the comment before hefting the box she held up onto a counter. Chuck placed his right next to hers and the two went back to the truck outside.

" What happened? What did he say?" she asked him, brushing a lock of golden hair behind her ear and biting her lip to look up at him.

" Sink said he needed us for the 'goddamn invasion of Europe'." Chuck said and then he smirked looking over at the girl, and she sent him a tiny smile. " Guess this whole thing must be pretty important."

" Yes, I guess." she said with a sad smile, thinking about the entire thing in her head. Lizzie bit her lip as she grabbed the next box.

" You ever think about the invasion, Chuck? What it's going to be like?" Lizzie asked him as Chuck pulled a box into his arms and the two started walking again.

" Yeah," Chuck said quietly as Lizzie met his eyes. The invasion and the talks of it and the growing tension that was quickly approaching consumed them all, with thoughts swirling in their head and visions and different fairly frightening images of exactly what could happen out there.

" It's just the thought of it all," Lizzie said with a nod.

" It's why you're having trouble not becoming too attached." Chuck said as he looked at her. Chuck had pinpointed it. Lizzie glanced up at him and nodded, with a sad frown.

" It's hard being a medic sometimes." Lizzie said. She'd told the women that before, but telling Chuck, one of her NCOs that, was something she didn't just give on easily to people. A medic was not supposed to grow attached to any member of the company in various ways. But Lizzie struggled with that. She hated that she did. Attachment and combat medic never went hand in hand. Lizzie admired Gene, he didn't become emotionally attached like she had.

" Yeah, but, they're some of the best soldiers of the company." Chuck said, affectionately bumping her shoulder. Lizzie shyly grinned with a smile. She had to go with it and believe it. 

Within the following few days, word broke to the entirety of Easy Company. CO Herbert Sobel was not longer the CO of Easy Company, nor was he in Easy Company. He was reassigned to Chilton Foliat to train others. But there was also the news of Catherine being promoted to Lieutenant as well. 

At the mess hall, Lizzie had been the one running into the break the news to the group, and a few people almost choked on all their food or spit out their drinks at the news. A few groups went out to the pub, a few others didn't really celebrate, they just took it as it came with now CO Lieutenant Thomas Meehan coming into play, to take control. 

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