41 | the good overpowers the bad

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" Always be a little kinder than necessary

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" Always be a little kinder than necessary."

- J. M. Barrie


" Yahoo!" called Lizzie excitedly.

" This is great!" called Malarkey as Lizzie felt the wind finally hit her face. She reached up a hand to brush her hair back from her face. She shut her eyes in complete glee at the feeling of freedom that surrounded her. More drove the motorcycle with ease as Malarkey and Lizzie, like two children called out joyfully as the sun beat down on them in their Class-A uniforms. They came upon Aldbourne and Lizzie held on to More's waist as the breeze picked up and she smiled wide. They all laughed joyfully together as they went along through the town where men dressed in their own Class-A uniforms were.

" Currahee!" the trio called out all at different times with equal excitement to no one in particular.

" She fancied me, Alton." Malarkey said as Lizzie rolled her eyes.

" In your dreams, buddy." More said and Lizzie laughed. Suddenly a loud beeping echoed from in front of them as a large truck came around the corner and screams and yells escaped their mouths. More swerved the motorcycle immediately and Lizzie laughed wildly it seemed.

" Jesus Christ!" Malarkey yelled glancing back at the truck, as the three then began laughing manically. Malarkey turned and raised his beer in the air like a drunk man and Lizzie laughed more. More drove them through an open barn where other soldiers were and into the clearing by the designated mess hall for Easy.

" It's good to be alive!" Malarkey called. More pulled the motorcycle around and parked it.

" That was a hell of a ride, Alton." Lizzie said as she turned and slid off the motorcycle with a smile.

" You said it." More said as he parked it and hopped off as well.

" Jesus Christ, that sure was close." Malarkey said sipping the beer and then handing it to Alton.

" Nah, missed him by a mile." More said confidently and Lizzie snorted. The mess hall was rather chaotic. Men gathering food, calling out to one another, clapping, cheering, people getting up and speaking.


Catherine sat next to Harry, having been provided a leather army jacket similar to the ones Nixon and Winters both had. She had missed the Normandy campaign and had been upset about that for a bit while she had been evacuated but she focused on healing and getting better as quickly as she possibly could. So there she sat, laughing at something Harry had said to her as they sat atop the lunch table, snickering quietly like a bunch of school children. Catherine looked back towards the group of men and a small smile slowly set on her face.

Her eyes caught Hazel who walked through the slew of men, with a cup of water in her hand, as she stopped by Chuck to give him a hug before heading back over to her spot which was next to Liebgott and Tab. Lizzie had yet to show up, but Catherine knew about the rendezvous that More and Malarkey managed to rope her into. Catherine spotted the crew coming in and gathering their plates, just as Smokey Gordon freshly returned from the hospital stand up in front of the group, 3 purple hearts pinned to his chest. Hazel slid into her spot next to Liebgott with her water, letting out a grateful sigh, as her hair fell out around her face, and her collared beige top was loosely unbuttoned from the heat inside the mess hall.

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