Chapter 10

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Yoongi's POV
I don't think I've ever slept better. I look up and see Jimin sleeping soundly. I love waking up like this. Wait, where did that come from? I look down at Jimin and find myself staring at his lips. Those plump, pink lips. I wonder what it feels like to kiss them.
Why am I thinking these things? Jimin is too fragile for that. I keep staring at his lips until I notice that he's moving. I look up to see Jimin staring at me with a faint blush on his cheeks. I smile at him and he flushes even more. He's so cute.
"Good morning Jiminie. Are you ok?"
He shakes his head. I'm immediately worried.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
"I feel weird. I don't feel so good."
I check his temperature and it is really high.
"Jimin, stay here ok? I'm gonna go and make you something to eat."
I try to get up but Jimin won't let me go. I try to move again and he whines. I smile.
"Jimin, do you want breakfast?"
He nods.
"Jimin, I can't make breakfast if I'm stuck in bed."
He flushes and lets me go. I rush downstairs and make pancakes, bacon and eggs with some toast. I get some asprin and some water and head back upstairs. Jimin has gone back to sleep so I gently wake him up and help him to sit up so he can eat. I end up just feeding him. When he finished eating, I carried him to the bathroom. I waited outside the door. I brought him clothes and waited a little more until I heard,
I rush inside and I immediately turn around. I flushed a deep red. Jimin was naked. He sounded really timid when he said,
"I need help. I can't stand up long enough to get dressed."
I gulped and nodded.

~Time Skip~
I don't think I've ever flushed so much in my life. After Jimin got dressed, I went to take a shower. When I came back, I climbed into bed, Jimin cuddled up to me and fell asleep. I just held him. I dozed off to the smell of strawberries.
I like this chapter despite how short it is. I hope you guys enjoy.

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