Chapter 35

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Yoongi's POV

I wake up to a knock on my bedroon door.

"Go away!"

"Yoongi," Jin says from the other side of the door, "You have to eat something."

"I don't want to."

"Yoongi, open the door."

I reluctantly get up and open the door and Jin walks in and sit on the bed.

"Yoongi, I get that you're upset. We all are but you have to eat."

I shake my head.

"I can't. I miss him so much. Jin, are we ever gonna find him?"

I statt tearing up and Jin pulls me into his arms and I start crying.

"This is all my fault. I should have just woken up but I didn't and now Jimin is gone and I just want him back."

Jin shushes me and soon enough, I calm down.

Jin gets up and runs downstairs, leaving me confused.

Soon enough, he comes back upstairs with some food and because I don't wanna upset him further, I eat some of it.

Then, Jin shoves me into the bathroom so I just take a shower and he gives me some big clothes.

When I finshed, he dragged me to the bed and cuddled me.

I fell asleep feeling comfortable for the first time in a while.

~Time Skip~

I wake up alone but then the door opened and Jin walks in with some hot chocolate.

"Are you awake?"

I nod and he walks over with the hot chocolate.

"Jackson called when I was downstairs."

I froze.

"What did he say? Did they find Jimin?"

"They have an idea as to where he is. I was gonna wake you. When you finish the hot chocolate, go shower and get dressed. Namjoon, Hobi and Tae are going with you. Jungkook and I are staying here."

"Ok, and Jin?"


"Thank you."

Jin just smiles at me.

I rush to the bathroom and I shower as quickly as possible. I get dressed and rush downstairs to see the guys waiting for me.

We drove to the place we were supposed to neet Jackson and Felix.

"Jackson, did you find him?"

He nodded.

"We saw Taemin leaving that warehouse. We are gonna send you in to get Jimin."

"How are we gonna get inside?"

"Someone in there is an officer, he's gonna cause a diversion so you can run in."

"Where is he?"

"He's in the last room in the warehouse but be careful."

We get the vests, they give us guns and we start sneaking in. We hear someone set off something but I focused on getting to Jimin.

We quickly move to the last and I can hear whimpering on the other side.

Namjoon opens the door and I see Jimin tied to a column. He's naked and he's covered in fluids.

I can feel myself getting angry but I calm myself down and tell the guys to watch for people.

I slowly walk over to Jimin and he starts crying.

"Minnie, baby it's me."

"Yoongi?" He asks in a voice that broke my heart.

"Yes baby, I'm here."

I run over and untie him. He launches himself into my arms and I make a promise to myself that I'm never letting him go. Ever.

I let Felix know that we need a blanket.

As soon as we get outside, we cover Jimin and we pile into the car and drive Jimin to the hospital while we get a police escort from Jackson and Felix.


"Yes baby?"

"I'm glad you found me."

My heart hurts so bad right now.

"I don't think I would be able to live without you baby."

"I'm tired."

"Sleep baby, I'll be here."

Jimin falls asleep and it takes everything in me to not burst into tears.

I'm shaking slightly and Taehyung puts his hand on my shoulder.

We get to the hospital and they take Jimin from me.

Namjoon helps me sit down in a chair and I don't register much of what was happening.

What I remember was Jin and Jungkook arriving because they both brought me into a hug and I felt the tears running down my face.

That's all I remember before I passed out.

Double update!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you did, please vote and comment cause this book has two chapters left. I feel so nostalgic rn.


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