Chapter 33

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Before we start, I just wanna say

But back to our regularly scheduled programming😁.

Jimin's POV

I wake up to a hand over my mouth and I look up and gasp in shock.

My former master!!

He looks down at me and grins evilly.

"Hey baby boy, did you miss me?"

I try to get him off me but he was too strong.

He pulls out a gun and points it at me.

"If you wake him or anyone else up, I'll kill them, all of them. Do you understand?"

I nod slowly. I look beside me and see Yoongi still sleeping.

I reach over and kiss him on his head. I get up and grab a pen and some paper.

My former master, Taemin, walks out of our room and answers a call.

"Yeah, I got him. I'm bringing him back to the warehouse soon. Don't worry, he's simply goregeous. You're gonna love him."

I take the paper and write quickly,
"SOS, Taemin is taking me to a warehouse. I love you so much baby."

I fold the note and put it in Yoongi's fist.

I peck him on the lips then Taemin grabs me amd drags me outside to an awaiting car.

He puts me in the back seat and places a blindfold on me.

"Just so you can't see where we're going." He smiles.

He shoves me onto the ground and starts driving.

I slowly start to panic but I remember Yoongi and my friends and I start calming down.

I slowly fell asleep, hoping Yoongi can find me.

Yoongi's POV

I wake up and turn over, expecting to feel Jimin beside me but I feel nothing.

I get up quickly and start looking around.


I walk outside and everyone is in the kitchen, except Jimin.

"Where's Jimin?"

"I thought he was with you," Namjoon said.

I shake my head.

"Where could he have gone?" Jungkook asks.

"Yoongi, what's in your hand?" Jin asks.

I look down and see a paper. I open it and, after reading it, drop to my knees.

"Yoongi, what's wrong?" Hobi asks fearfully.

"He took him. He entered the house and took Jimin."

Everyone gasps.

I pull out my phone and call Jackson.

"Officer Wang, what can I do for you?"

"Jackson, they took Jimin. Can you get here quickly? Jimin left a note."

"Ok, we're on our way."

I hang up and start running towards the security room, everyone behind me.

When we get there, I open the door and immediately start looking for footage.

"Yoongi, does the whole house have cameras?" Tae asks.

"The only places that don't have cameras are the bedrooms. For obvious reasons."

I start going through the footage from early this morning.

"Look!" Jin exclaims. "A car is pulling up."

We watch and see someone exit the car. He picks the lock and enters the house.

He heads towards the stairs. I cut the footage and bring up the footage from the upstairs hallway camera.

We see him open Hobi's room door, then Tae and Jungkook's, then Jin and Namjoon's and finally, mine and Jimin's.

He was in there for about 20 minutes, then he comes back out and picks up the phone.

I turn up the volume and record his conversation.

He, then, walks back inside and pulls Jimin out and walks him to the car outside the house.

As he drives away, I take a picture of the license plate.

Just then, I hear the doorbell ring. I run downstairs and open the door to see Jackson and Felix.

I hurry them inside and show them what we found along with the note.

They take the footage I recorded and the note.

I show them the license plate number and Felix jots it down.

"Yoongi, you've done an amazing job. With this we'll be able to find Jimin a lot quicker." Felix says.

I nod and say,
"Just find him please. I can't lose him."

Jackson reassures me that they'll find him and they leave.

Jin pulls me into the kitchen and sits me down while he starts making some food.

I don't notice that I'm shaking until Jungkook and Tae pull me into a hug.

I start sniffling, trying not to completely lose it.

"Don't worry, Yoongi. They'll find Jimin. I promise." Jin says.

He puts the food down in front of me and I push it away.

They all try to get me to eat something but I refuse to eat.

I excuse myself and run upstairs. I go to our room and I crawl into the bed.

I grab Jimin's pillow and inhale his sweet scent.

Immediately as I smell the pillow, I start crying. I sob into the pillow for what feels like forever.

Please, please bring him back to me. I can't live without him. Please just bring him back.

So Taemin is Jimin's old master and he took Jimin!!

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And thank you again for over 1K reads. I love you guys so much.


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