Chapter 16

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Yoongi's POV

Jimin hasn't woken up and I'm beyond worried. I haven't slept in days. The doctor comes in to check on Jimin.

"What's wrong with him? Why hasn't he woken up yet?"

"We don't know. We'll update you the moment we have more news."

I nodded. I pull out my phone and call Namjoon.

"Yoongi! How's Jimin?"

"Joon, he's not waking up and I'm scared." My voice wavers.

"Ok. Jin and I are on our way, ok?"


I sit down next to Jimin and I hold his hand.

"Come on baby, wake up. Please Jimin wake up. I miss you."

I get no response and I sigh. I hear the door open and I look up to see Jin with his arms outstretched.

Now let me make this clear, I'm not one for hugs unless they are from Jimin. But I'm emotionally exhausted so I ran in to Jin arms, shaking.

He lifted me up and carried me to the chair where he put me on his lap.

"Let it out, Yoongi. It's no use holding in your emotions."

I start shaking even more and I let out a sob. One sob turns into me bawling my eyes out with Jin rubbing my back.

Namjoon stands on the other side of Jimin's bed. He looks really sad and very angry.

"Yoongi, look at me."

I look at Namjoon.

"Sleep, you need it. We'll wake you up if Jimin wakes up, ok? We'll be right here. Sleep."

I nod, reluctantly, and cuddle into Jin's arms. I feel myself drifting off.

Please wake up, Jimin.

Jimin's POV

I hear Namjoon telling Yoongi to sleep. My mind has been awake. I've heard everything. You don't know how much I wish I could have comforted Yoongi.

I didn't hear anything else. I feel myself starting to move. I'm regaining control of my body.

I feel my arms moving. I'm getting really excited now! All I need is to open my eyes.

My eyes start fluttering and eventually, I open my eyes and I immediately shut them again. The light is so so bright.

I slowly open my eyes again and I slowly adjust to the light. I sit up slightly and I look around.

I see Namjoon in one chair and Jin and Yoongi curled up in another. Yoongi looks so little. It's adorable!

I lean over and shake him slightly.

"Yoongi," I croak out.


He stirs a little. I shake him again and this time, he turns to face me with his eyes slightly open.

He looks slightly confused, until his eyes widen and he yells,


He jumps out of Jin's arms and hugs me. I squeeze him tight.

"Jimin, I-"

"Shhh, I'm right here."

At this point, Namjoon and Jin are awake. I look up and them and they sigh in relief. Namjoon pulls out his phone and calls someone.

Jin rushes over to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Jimin! We were so worried!"

It takes a lot for me not to cry. I hear the door burst open and Taehyung, Jungkook and Hobi run towards me and bring me into a group hug.

I burst into tears and everyone holds me. Eventually, everyone lets go except Yoongi. I hold on to him and cry.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I never meant for-"

I get cut off because Yoongi slams his lips on mine. I kiss him back just as fiercely. He doesn't let go of me and I don't want him to.

We pull away for air and crash our lips back together. I feel like I'm floating. I never want to let him go. Reluctantly, I pull away.

I look into his eyes and he looks so scared. I peck his lips again and look up and everyone is smiling at us.

I blush slightly and hide my face in Yoongi's shoulder. He runs his hands through my hair and rubs my ears. I mewl and start purring.

We hear a knock at the door and the doctor walks in with a mouse hybrid.

"Jimin, I'm Doctor Kim but you can call me Jennie. This is Jisoo. She's here to help you."

"Help me with what?"

"The police need you to tell them what happened. Jisoo will help keep you calm during the process. You are permitted to keep everyone in here if you'd like. Is that ok with you?"

I nod.

"I'm reminding everyone that you don't have to stay. If you can't handle it, you can leave ok?"

They all nod.

Just then, two police officers enter the room.

"Park Jimin? I'm Jackson Wang and this is my partner, Lee Felix. We're here to interview you."

Jackson takes out a recorder and Felix takes out a laptop. Jackson looks at me and nods.

I tell them everything. From beginning to end. When I finish talking, everyone is crying. Jennie, Jisoo, Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon, Hobi, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jackson and Felix have tears running down their faces.

"Is that everything you need?" I ask.

Jackson and Felix nod. They wipe their tears and I hear Felix talk for the first time.

"Don't worry, Jimin. We'll catch that son of a bitch. You'll see."

I smile at him with tears in my eyes. I nod. He smiles at me.

I look at Yoongi and he smiles at me. He pulls me into a kiss.

In that moment, everything was ok. And that is exactly how it should be.

I finally updated again!🥳 I'm proud of myself. Anyways, this isn't the end of the book. I hope you guys enjoy the new chapter. I hope you love it as much as I do.


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