Chapter 3

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Liar . That's all I am and all they'll ever think of me. "Hey nerd, you finish my homework!" "Yeah it's right here", I said handing the dark unknown creature it's homework. "Hey nerd, you sure these answers are right?" "Who knows after all, I am a liar." "Why you little punk!?"

I watched as the creature turn into a big black monster and swallowed me whole. I ended up falling and hitting the floor. I stand up once more. Another dark unknown figures stands in front of me. "Look at that, another loser!" I look down and stay silent as I feel there presence approach.

"Awww look at that, it's gonna cry hahaha!!" "Shut up..." "Hmmmm what was that? I couldn't hear you." "I said shut up or I'll snap your necks!", I exclaimed, starring the creatures in their dark black eyes. "H-ha you're just lying like the rotten liar you are!" "Or am I? After all I am just a liar." The creature started to stretch upwards and starts to scream ear piercing screams. "AAH! My ears!" I cover my ears as I fall again to my knees.

"Hey Y/n are you ready to go?" I look up to see people wearing a clown masks. "Yo Y/n we're leaving soon. Where's your mask?" "I got it!! Hey are you ok?" "Uhh yeah I'm fine." "You don't sound like it. Are you sure?" "Who knows, after all I am a liar", I joked as they smiled. "Yup she's fine, now lets go you two!" I followed the two figures but they vanish into a bright light and all that remains with me are the same words over and over. "I'm a liar"

Another day, another strange dream. Ever since this killing game started, I've been having these strange dreams. Did I always used to have these dreams? I guess I still can't remember anything. Well there's no point in staying here. I get out of bed and get ready. Yesterday was crazy, I mean a traitor hiding among us. If people knew about this, they'd probably have some major trust issues. Welp time to show everyone that fake smile they all love so much.

I start to walk to the dining hall from my room. On my way to the dining hall, I saw Tenko and Himiko. "Good morning Y/n! That degenerate male form yesterday didn't hurt you or anything, did he?", Tenko asked as she scanned my body. "Morning Tenko, Himiko and do you mean Kokichi? No we were just playing around", I answer as they look at me with disbelief. "Ehhh? He seems like a pain." "I agree with Himiko, he does sound like a pain. Well wanna walk with Himiko and me to the dining hall." "Sure why not."

Once we got to the dining hall, we waited for the others to arrive. Everyone was in a good mood. I mean with Monokuma gone, we don't have to worry about killing each other. Everyone looked so happy and relieved... except Rantaro. I know there's something off about Rantaro and it's not just his talent.

"Hey Rantaro, what's the matter?", I asked as I went up to the green haired boy. "It's nothing... I figured no one would listen to a guy who can't even remember his own talent. But really, it's nothing. This is.. quite the happy ending." Hhmmm he's sounds surprised with this ending and saying no one would listen to him. He definitely knows something we don't.

"Is this really how it ends?", Kaede spoke as we all looked at her. Oh no Kaede what are you doing!? "I mean, it just seems too easy. I don't think it'll end like this." "I wonder, do you wish the killing game would have continued?", Korekiyo said in suspicion. "N-no, not at all-" "Then don't ruin our happy moment, you fuckin' shank!", Miu shouted across the room.

Kokichi walks forward towards Kaede. "I'm not sure why you're so worried about Kaede. But Monokuma is dead now. There's no way the killing game can continue." Lie. From what we saw yesterday, the killing game can continue.

Suddenly a flash of black and white popped into the room. Monokuma?! "And that's my cue to appear, kuma!" "W-what?!" "GAAAAAAHHHHH" "M-Monokuma!" "Damn he's still alive!?" Everyone yells in confusion as the insane bear appeared.

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