Chapter 19

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As we walked into the elevator to the class trial room, I could feel the tension and stares on me. "Take a picture, it'll last longer. Oh wait non of us have phones, too bad huh", I say randomly without care.

"Where is he?..", Maki glared at me. "Hmmmm who? I have noooo idea what you're talking about." "You know exactly what I'm talking abou—" "Ahh we're here! Oh and please try not to let Shuichi do all the work, after all we are the last of humanity", I interrupt Maki as I enter the trial room and go to my podium.

Once everyone went to there podiums, Monokuma spoke. "Ahhh this takes me back to the good old days where hope and despair were natural enemies..." "Where is Kokichi", Maki glared. "I never knew Maki was so obsessed with Kokichi. If I knew sooner, I could've set up a date for you guys", I joked as Maki glared at me with disgust. "Do you wanna die...." "Stop... they probably won't tell us anything on Kokichi", Shuichi sighed.

"But we won't give into despair. Kokichi can twist and bend the rules all he wants but he won't get his way!", Keebo confidently exclaimed. "Yes we will defeat you, Remnants of Despair...", Maki glared as the class trial begun. Wait... Remnants of Despair?

"Monokuma.. where's Kokichi", Maki glared at Monokuma. "Aww don't glare at me like that, don't you think these are some unique circumstances", Monokuma spoke. "Unique circumstances...." "The bear is talking about the murder. The victims identity is complete unknown", I explained. "Puhuehuehue exactly so I decided to keep the victim still anonymous", Monokuma laughed.

As everyone complained to Monokuma, I smirked in my head. Haha stupid bear.. the truth is you don't even know the victims identity! Everything's is going just as planned.

"Now lets start the class trial shall we!", Monokuma exclaimed. "Well... I guess this makes it harder to find the culprit", Keebo sighed. "What are you talking about, the culprit is definitely Y/n or Kokichi", Himiko confidently stated. "Awww Himiko thinks I'm suspicious? I'm hurt", I laughed.

"Wait we don't even know if Kaito's the victim", Shuichi said trying to stay level headed. "How long are you gonna say that, the victim is obviously Kaito", Maki pushed.

Ohhhh I see what's she's doing, she's gonna direct the murder to Kokichi so we'll get it wrong and me and Kokichi will die with everyone else. Looks like yesterday really ticked Miss Assassin off.

"We don't know that for sure... we need to be 100 percent sure first", Shuichi replied. "I agree with Mr. Detective here soooo I'll just relax while he solves the case", I said as I take out a f/d that I sneaked into the trial room. "Well go now! I wish you a good luck", I said as I took a sip of my drink, watching them as they try to figure out the victim.

Just as I was going to take another sip out of my drink, I here Shuichi say something unexpected. "I have evidence that points to Kokichi being the victim. I found this in the hangar!", Shuichi says as he pulls out something. "Huh!? Is that Kokichi coat!" I choke on my drink a bit and look at Shuichi. Kokichi's what!?

"Yes and look here, there's blood stains on the sleeves. This would mean Kokichi suffered an external injury and the fact they were flushed down the toilet implies they were evidence of the crime", the detective explain. Huh!? His clothes were flushed down the toilet... why the hell?! No time to ask why, just mess up the detective.

"Ewwww first of all, you stuck you hand down a toilet!? Second, so you're implying that Kokichi is running around half naked? What a dirty mind you have Mr. Detective", I tease Shuichi. "No I don—" "Geez Kokichi sure got popular with you all, have you ever got the thought that those were my clothes?", I said with a smirk. Haha what are you gonna do know Mr. Detective.

"They can't be your clothes", Shuichi replied. "Hmmmm and why not?" "I went to Kokichi dorm to check if it was his size just to be sure. I also went to check if he himself had any weapons", Shuichi lied. I could see Shuichi getting nervous from the other side of the room. Hmmm lying to me again? I guess I'll let this slide but just to tease you.

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