Chapter 10

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Black... I'm back in this black dark empty room. I didn't mind being in this empty room of pitch black because it made me feel normal. I was never normal and it's something I keep on forgetting. I keep on forgetting that there are people who aren't messed up like me. People who are considered normal. I'm not normal. But in this black empty room, no matter how many people there are or how much of a freak you may be. No one can see! Everyone is blind!! I'm also blind.

Then suddenly I felt a wall behind me pushing me into a white, bright light. I close my eyes to shield them from the light. Once I didn't feel the wall pushing me anymore, I opened my eyes. I was trapped in a white, bright room. The calm feeling I felt faded away as I remember, I'm not blind. I can see the truth or better said, the lies. I know and I wish I didn't.

"Y/n.." I turned around to see.. "Kaede... Rantaro?" "Why didn't you warn me Y/n", Rantaro said as he walked up to me. "Why didn't you work hard enough Y/n?", Kaede said following Rantaro. I tried to turn around and run away but then as a turn around I see... "Ryoma and K-Kirumi.." "You say I don't have a will to live, but now that I think about it. You don't have much of a will to live either. Lying hypocrite, so not cool." "I fulled your every request and you still killed me. I wouldn't have to kill Ryoma if you just tried hard enough to find the mastermind. I'm so disappointed.."

I was surrounded by the four of them. Then my bullies, my parent, my fake friends, the kids at the orphanage... I couldn't take it anymore.. "Shut up... shut up shut up shutup shutup shutupshutupshutupshutup", I said falling to my knees and putting my hands behind my head.

"It's your fault!" "You didn't try hard enough!" "You could've stopped it.." "You're just a stupid girl haha!" "I thought you'd understand..." "You're nothing." "Soo selfish.." "Ungrateful brat!" "I guess you're really nothing but a liar." "Lie that's all you're good for.." "You failed." I fell on my side and started to cry. "No no please.... I'm sorry.. I'm sorry. I'll do better. I'll get better! No... Please no... I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry... I'm sorry..." Y/n.... Y/n..... Y/n!!

I wake up to see Kokichi next to my bed. "Y/n.... your crying.... are you ok? You kept on screaming and yelling." I touched my cheek and felt my wet tears. I was crying. I sit up from my bed and faced Kokichi with a smile. "I'm good. How did you get in here and why?" "I locked picked your door and you missed morning announcement. The Mono cubs gave new keys for the areas. Hey are yo—" Before Kokichi could finish, I interrupted him. "Ok I see. I'll get ready and we can start exploring, I wont take long. You go outside." "Y/—" "Ok I'm gonna change!" "I said getting out of bed and walking to my closet as Kokichi sighed and went out the door. I finally heard the door close and sighed. "I'm sorry...", I mumbled as I started to get ready and head out the door.

As I walked out of my dorm, Kokichi turned around. "Ok leader! Lead the way!!", I said before Kokichi could say anything. "Come on Kokichi, let's catch up with the group", I said cheerfully giggling. Please buy the act. Please buy the act. "Ok slow down! You don't even know where you're going stupid", Kokichi said catching up with me as we walk to the new labs.

Yes he bought it! So you're lying to him now ,too? I guess you couldn't help it can you. I'm not lying. I'm protecting him. I have too. Sure keep lying to yourself. It's all a liar like you can do. "No shut up.." "Hmmm? Did you say something?", Kokichi turned to me in confusion. Shit I said that out loud... "Uhhh no? Did you here something??", I said acting clueless of what happened "It's probably nothing, well we're here", Kokichi said as we walk into a room with a spine chilling atmosphere.

"This lab is giving me creepy, emo vibes. It's probably Korekiyo's or Shuichi's lab", I said playfully. "I agree but it's probably Korekiyo's because he has creepy, poetic, dead vibe and Shuichi has dorky, emo vibe", Kokichi said laughing as I join him.

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