Chapter 16

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Liar.... I hear people call me as well as others that name all the time but no one understands the full concept of lies. People just think lies are bad and that's all. I came to this realization at a young age. I've lied my whole life.... Lying to make others happy or lying to get what you want, and they say it's the same thing. No one understands the potential or purpose of a lie. No one.....

I feel a light shine on my eye. I tiredly open my eyes to see me cuddling with Kokichi. I feel my face heat up as I realize how close we were. I look at the clock in my room. Huh?! It's the afternoon?! I guess from how crazy last night was, we slept in... I turn back to Kokichi. Hmmm he still looks pretty tired... I decided not to wake him and slowly crept out of bed.

Once I got out of bed I decided to change into some clean clothes. Just as I was about to get my usual hoodie and shorts, I turn to the D.I.C.E. uniform on my table.

I stare at the uniform for awhile and decide to take the uniform instead of the hoodie and shorts. Once I got changed, I headed back into the main room and cooked breakfast.

Just as I was making breakfast, I heard a groan coming from the bed revealing a tired Kokichi. "...Good morning....." "Oh you're finally awake. We kinda slept in, it's the afternoon", I said while putting the breakfast on the table.

"Afternoon?! Well it's whatever, we'll just change the plan by moving it up a little... Speaking of changing, nice uniform! Now we're matching neheehee!" "Yup now let's eat so we can get a start on things", I said as we both eat our breakfast.

Once we finished breakfast, Kokichi got ready and we discussed the rest of the plan. "Ok so I'll be spying the the others now. Seeing how it's the afternoon, they probably are done opening the new labs but I doubt they found the flashback light", I said reloading my gun and checking my weapons.

"And I'll go to Miu's lab, come back, and strike the deal with Monokuma", Kokichi said putting away the knife that I gave him in his pocket. " Be careful Y/n, who knows what they'll do to you if you get caught...." "I could say the same to you, you are dealing with Monokuma..."

We both look down to the ground in silence. This... could be suicide... anything could happen now. I raise my head and walked towards Kokichi, cupping my hands around his face having him look at me. As he raises his head, I press my lips onto his and back away, walking to the door.

"Don't worry, we're so close. Once the plan is over, we'll be set free and defeat Monokuma, right? You should be more confident, you did make this plan. I'll meet you back here once I'm done, good luck!", I said as I walked out of my lab's door and into the courtyard.

As I sneaked around the courtyard, I saw that everyone was going to the dining hall. Hmm? Did they find the Flashback light already? I follow them to the dining hall as I hide in the bushes as they talk.

"Is everyone here? Guys this is serious!" "Yeah, you found the Flashback Light, didn't you?" "Oh.. sorry. It's not the Flashback Light. It's the rock with graffiti." I sigh in disappointment.

So they really didn't find the Flashback Light. I peek in the dining hall and look at Shuichi. He didn't have any of the keys on him... that probably means he already unlocked all the rooms. I could go and check out the new rooms but I could get caught plus it takes longer... Ah! I have an idea! I quickly rush to the dorms.

Shuichi's POV:

We couldn't find the Flashback Light and Kokichi and Y/n are still missing... This is very alarming.. especially with that graffiti on that rock. "The world is mine. Kokichi Ouma Y/n L/n." I have no idea what they're planning. I sighed as I stepped into my dorm. Once I close the door, I feel something hit me on my neck and I blackout.

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