Chapter 11

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Might be a bit gory and honestly kinda disgusting sooo if you're uncomfortable, go ahead and skip the part in italics

I sit alone with my hands over my eyes. Open your ey— "No, I'm going to wait until I wake up". Don't you want a peak? "No I don't. Leave me alone", I say as I feel two fingers effortlessly go between my fingers and open them. I slowly open my eyes to see grey lights everywhere. I let my hands fall as I take in the scenery around me. Masks... Millions and millions of masks. All with slightly different expressions.

I walk through halls of masks, looking at the different kinds. I finally end up at the end of the hall, where a huge mirror stands. I look at the mirror  but ,my reflection wasn't there. I stared longer into the mirror and started to see something walking towards the mirror on the other side. The figure wore a black hood on it's face as it approached me.

"Who are you?" , I say as I slowly lean in closer. I watch as the figure starts to push back their hoodie and revealed a figure with h/c h/l hair and e/c eyes. It lifted it's head to show it's face. I was shocked. It's had sewing thread around the edges of it's face. It's eyes lit up as it smiled. It was me... It then motioned it's hand towards the front of it's forehead and took out the thread, showing an empty void with the reflection of my face from the mirror. As all the thread was pulled, the piece of skin fell to the floor and from the empty void was a voice. "Who are you?" 

Then from the mirror on my side appeared Kaede, Rantaro, Kirumi, and Ryoma. "Liar..." I turn around quickly as I heard them say that. But when I look behind me, no one was there. I turn back to the mirror. The figure tilted it's head and grabbed a new patch of skin with a different expression and started sewing it into it's face.

Lovely isn't it? You didn't have to show me all that. I know I broke out of character and your right, it's time I get back on stage. I'm Y/n the Ultimate Truth Teller and I..... am a liar.

I opened my eyes and quickly got ready with one goal in my mind. To find the mastermind and get out with Kokichi. Once I was set, I walked out the door. Gonta, Tsumugi, Miu, Keebo, and Angie. I look around as I walk through the courtyard, but no one was here. "Hmm I guess I woke up early." "Yup you sure did!"

I looked everywhere to see where that voice came from and finally looked down to see Monophanie, Monotaro, and Monodam, the three stupid bears. With a plastered smile I said, "Good morning, why would you three be in the courtyard." "Wow she is nicer when she sleeps", the red bear exclaimed. "WE-HAVE-A-NEW-MOTIVE." A new motive, maybe this can lead to new information. "A new motive, oh I see. So what do I do?" "EVERYONE-WILL-MEET-AT-THE-GYM." "Oki doki I'll see you all at the gym", I said waving while jogging to my lab.

Once I got to my lab, I sharpened up and reloaded my weapons. As I was about to get out of my lab, I heard the door open. "I knew you'd be here", Kokichi said closing the door and coming closer. "Hey Kokichi have you heard about the new motive?" "Yeah everyone's gathering at the gym." "How's you're plan going?" "I've got nothing planned for right now. Any new information?" "Yeah Korekiyo and Maki aren't the masterminds." "So that leaves Miu, Keebo, Gonta, Tsumugi, and Angie", Kokichi said counting with his fingers. "Yup, let's head to the gym", I said as I started walking but was soon stopped by Kokichi.

"You didn't act like you're usual self, what happened?..." "To tell the truth, I think this killing game is getting to me. It almost made lose my character haha", I said jokingly, trying to play it off. "No that's not what I meant. Are you o—", Kokichi was interrupted my the sound of the door opening as we both look who opened the door.

"Hi Y/n- oh Kokichi here too? That good news for Gonta", Gonta said. "Uhhhh Gonta how did you get in?", I asked as I thank Gonta's impeccable timing. "Door seems to not be locked. Gonta was supposed to gather everyone to gym but uhhhh is Gonta interrupting something. "Don't worry Gonta, Kokichi was just checking up on me. We'll head to the gym now. Come on Kokichi race you!", I said getting a head start. "Wait— Y/n!"

The Ultimate Liar (Kokichi x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon