Chapter 6

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*Nagito and Kokichi having a conversation

Shuichi: It's scary how well they're getting along

Hajime: I agree, but your purple haired friend is pretty short. Might be a bit nutty but how bad could it be? Ours killed himself.

Shuichi: Well ours plans his own death by making someone kill himself.

*Sees Nagito and Kokichi look at them

Shuichi: We should run

Hajime: agreed

Author-chan: Ok lets get back to the story
(Edit: ew this is so cringy but imma keep it ;))

(This will include alcohol and more gore and violence so if you feel uncomfortable with any of the following, skip the words in italics. )


I felt liquid beneath my body. I open my eyes and stand up. I was on clear water. In front of me stood a stone fountain, flowing with the clear water. I walk up to the fountain and run my hands through the water. Once my finger tip touched the water, it turned pink and soon all the clear water was replaced by a pink substance. I touched it.. it was blood.

I walk past the fountain and start to see people coming out the blood. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. The bodies couldn't get out of the blood but they cooed the words "liar" over and over again.

As I walk, one tried to grab me and took a hold on my ankle. I look down at the thing. It's skin barely there with a skeleton looking figure, an empty socket, and one eye. I pull my foot out of it's hand and hear a loud crunch as I stomp on it's head. I watch as it slowly sinks into the blood and as it sunk the white clown mask appeared in the blood. I pick it up and start walking forward with the mask in hand.

As I walked, I saw another fountain but this time there was three figures standing beside it. One of them turned it's broken head, it was the thing I stomped on. "Liar!", it shrieked as the other two figures whipped their heads to face me as the other one walked away.

One of the figures walked to the fountain as the others watched. The figure which was walking to the fountain and plunged it's head into the fountain. The other figure tried pulling the other out but instead it punch the figure that tried to help it and went back to the fountain. The figure that got punched, fell to the ground. But once it got back up, it started to walk to me. I stood still as it came closer.

It pointed behind me. I turn around and saw a mountain, where at the top was a golden orb. I walk up the mountain to try to get the orb but another creature like before popped out of the ground and I stomped it's head into the ground. As I kept getting closer to the orb, more dead creatures started getting in my way, so I started pushing them off the mountain.

I got the orb and went back the the two figures. I gave the orb the figure not in the fountain. As it touched it, the golden orb turned black and shattered. The figure in the fountain started making loud slurs as the blood everywhere turn brown.

The figure holding the shattered pieces let out a high pitch shriek and slapped my face. I feel on the ground and my mask fell to the floor with me. I pick it up and put it on. I looked back at the figures. Ah how could I forget...

"I'm home mom and dad." "YOU BRAT WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!! YOU ONLY GOT SECOND PLACE AND YOU WERE THIS CLOSE!! IF ONLY YOU TRIED HARD, YOU WOULDN'T BE A FAILURE! AND ON TOP OF THAT YOU GOT EXPELLED!! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE NUMBER ONE, NOW YOU'RE NOTHING!!" "Hey little shit, go make yourself useful and get me some beer." "NO WE CAN'T BUY ANYMORE BEER-" "SHUT UP OLD HAG!!" I look where the mountain was and see a school, and at the bottom lifeless beings. I took off the mask and started running the opposite way from the school and my parents.

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