Chapter 21

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Just about a hour ago, I was crying over Kokichi's and Kaito's death and just a few minutes ago, I was talking with Maki and Shuichi. Now I'm standing in front of a building with my full D.I.C.E. uniform on with my mask on my head, two guns at the sides of my legs, a dagger on my arm, a knife up my sleeve, and a black and checkered backpack with a few Electro bombs, a bottle of f/d and a lot of explosives.

I look to the top to the building. "What a sneaky bastard....", I speak with a chuckle. I grab the ladder that I brought here and climbed up the building.

Once I got to the top, I locked eyes with Keebo who was sitting down in the middle of the building's roof. "You here to kill me?", Keebo stared at me as I walked closer. "Wow Keebo grew a pair, is that because of your missing ahoge? No I'm not here to kill you, I'm here to negotiate. But first.... are you ok?", I asked as Keebo looks at me with confusion.

"I won't be manipulated—" "I'm not trying to manipulate you. I've been living with you all for days now. I could tell you always had a sense of duty to protect everyone kinda like Gonta. But from the tone of your voice and the way that your speaking, something changed.... is it because of the ahoge?" Keebo looks at me with shock as his expression softens.

"It's quiet... too quiet and yet this silence is quite refreshing. I used to hear my inner voice with perfect clarity. It would give me the power of hope and guide me along the right path. I can't hear it anymore and now all I hear is silence...", Keebo said as he closed his eyes.

"So the inner voice wasn't your own?" "No it wasn't. It wasn't really a conscious and more of a voice in my head. It's kinda refreshing to hear silence", Keebo explained.

"Yeah I know how you feel...." "You do?..." "Yeah... my talent allows me to see through lies but lying on the daily takes a toll on your mentality. I recently was able to get rid of that voice for awhile so I know what you mean. But just so you know even though that voice is gone, it doesn't leave you helpless. You've been following that voice, how about a bit of free will for a change", I said as I reach my hand towards the robot.

He looks at my suspiciously before taking my hand and standing up. "Even if you are manipulating me... I believe in what you say. My silence means this is my will alone and not anybody else... know what do you want to negotiate about?", Keebo asked.

"About time you asked, people like Kokichi and me are used to thinking light on our feet. You see I'm still not done with Monokuma. Everyone has their secrets and my liar instincts tell my that you can do more than you've been telling us", I said as I crossed my arms. "So what's your plan?..."

"I know who the mastermind is but no one will believe a liar like me. Right now I'm armed with weapons and a few Electro bombs but their weaker than the three Electro bombs Kokichi had. The plan is to destroy the Exisals... destroy this place... find where the mastermind works in this school and defeat Monokuma once and for all....", I explained.

"I'n not just a substitute for Kokichi am I?", Keebo asked as I clenched my fist and glared at Keebo. "Not to be rude but you could never replace Kokichi. I'm doing this for all the people I couldn't save. I'm doing it for my guilty conscious that I was too late to save them and I who had an actual chance in ending the killing game didn't. I'm doing it because the people that died didn't deserve to die... they deserve to live and suffer in this hell hole with us..... Anyone can dig their grave and die because dying is easy but living is harder. Now will you join me Keebo to end this killing game...", I look at Keebo with determination in my eyes.

"Yes.. I'll join you in the fall of Monokuma and the destruction of this Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles", Keebo smiled at me as I smile back.

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