Chapter 4

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Beginning of the chapter will be a bit gory, just a heads up if you're uncomfortable with this stuff


Dark. It's so dark. I closed my eyes. Why? Why did it have to be like this...why did I have to become a liar. I open my eyes to see a boy and two girls... and me? We all had the same uniform. Why does this look to familiar?

"Look it's the loser!", one of the girls said they walked towards me. The other girl walk up to me and grabbed me by the hair as the others two stood surrounding me. The girl who grabbed my hair, pull me down so that I was on my hands and knees. "Hey loser! Entertain us!! Bark like the dog like the stupid bitch you are!!" I watched as the three kids laughed as I stood there on the ground.

How could I forget this...the day I pulled a 180 on the whole world. "Come on bitch, bark!!" I grabbed her hand and pushed my nails into her skin. "OW LET GO YOU FREAK!!" I twist her arm so it's in a straight line and put my forearm on her elbow. "I wont break your arm." "W-what!?" As a said that, I pushed forward with my forearm, breaking her arm and making it twist the other way.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" A deafening scream filling the air. The other two backed away in shock while the other cry on the ground. "Why you bitch!!", the male said as he tried to punch me. I blocked and jabbed my two fingers into his eyes and kicked him in the crotch. I watched them as they both screamed in pain.

Then I felt something cold and pain hit me like lightening through side. The other girl stabbed me with a knife. I looked at her with blood lust and glare at her. She tensed up and tries to run but I catch her in time. I grabbed her arm and pushed her to the floor facing me. I stomped on her stomach and on her as I repeatedly punch her in the face. A few minutes later, I get off of her unconscious body.

I stand up, pull the knife out of my side as I walk to the other two. "Please s-stop don't d-d-do this p-please! W-we're sorry alright!!" "Y-yeah what she s-said.." "Bark like a dog..." "W-what?" "You heard me damn well, bark like a dog", I say while pointing the knife at them. They start bark and I pull out my phone and start recording.

Once I stop recording and start to walk towards them. "H-Hey!! We did w-what you s-said!" "I'm too young to die!!" "Who said I was going to kill you?", I say with a confused face. "H-huh?" I take the knife and stab myself in my thigh.

"How does this sound. A girl gets attack and barely makes it out alive by the help of a mysterious gang in alley way." "People will never believe you!!" "Shut up dog. People believe what they want to believe." I walk up to their bodies still on the floor. "And you know what they want to believe. Lies. Nobody wants the truth. Like how you didn't want to except I was more superior than you. People love lies", I say while putting the knife in the girls hand.

I look in one of the boxes and found a beer bottle. I hit it against my arm, making a dark bruise. I smash the bottom of the bottle against the wall and stick the edges in my shoulder and pull it out. I put the bottle in the now semiconscious girl. With that I called the cops and they got arrested while I had treatment in the hospital. With that I closed my eyes once more. Black. No one is here but me.

I open my eyes and sit up. Those dreams...this definitely supports my theory. My dreams are my past memories. Now the question is, am I the only one? One more day before we all die together or someone gets killed, just great. I do my usual routine and head to the dining hall.

Just as I was about to enter the dining halls entrance, I saw Kaede and Shuichi on their knees in front of Miu. What stupid kinky shit did Miu make the do!?! I hid by one of the bushes, spying in their conversation. Damn at this point, might as well be the Ultimate Stalker.

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