Chapter 5

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Time felt as it was flying by as we all investigated the crime scene in hopes of finding the culprit and not dying. Me and Kokichi decided to investigate together.

"Ok so we collected almost everyone's alibis and where they were at the time expect for Kaede and Shuichi", I said crossing my arms. "But do we really need their's, I mean we have been spying on them the whole day." "Wasn't it you who said "Better safe than sorry"." "I guess you're right." Kokichi moved and looked behind me. "And speak of the devil." I turned around to see Kaede and Shuichi.

"Oh! Investigating together, are we? You two sure have gotten awfully chummy", Kokichi says while putting his hands behind his head. "I wonder if you two are dating yet." "Y-you two are ones two talk, you've been hanging around each a lot as well."

I stare at Kaede as she said that. "Watch your mouths you two, or did you forget what I told you. You can't lie to me, which means I can expose you." Kaede and Shuichi stood there in shock, not knowing what to say. Kokichi just looked confused. "I'm just kidding guys, now what do you want to talk about."

"R-right uhh what were you two doing at the time Rantaro was killed?" "Oooooh, an interrogation from the Ultimate Detective himself? What a rare opportunity, right Y/n", Kokichi cheered as I cheered with him. "Yup! I wonder if he thinks we did it." "Well since you asked so nicely....we were in the library, smashing Rantaro's head!", Kokichi said teasing the other two.

"Hey! Quit screwing around and take this seriously!" "But do we have too? I mean it's going to be boring if I tell you now. Beside there's the photos from the camera. This is a game so let's have some fun with it." Kokichi is still lying with his personality, why would he keep doing this. Well if I'm ever going to find out, I need to stay close.

"This isn't a game. Rantaro died.." "Exactly! It's a game of life and death!", I said playing along with Kokichi's act. "Y/n... you too?" "Listen even if we survive this class trial, we'll still be playing this killing game. Wake up. You can't save everyone, someone's gonna die and that's the truth", I explained. "Nehehe I can't wait for the class trial!" Kokichi started walking away from Kaede and Shuichi. "Hey Y/n you coming?" "Yes I just want to ask them something."

I turn to Kaede and Shuichi. "Did you kill Rantaro, yes or no. Shuichi first." "No." "Okay Kaede, did you kill Rantaro." "No I didn't..." There was a silence between the three of us. "Oki doki that's all I needed to know, thanks." Kokichi then yelled, "Y/n!! Hurry up!!!" "Ok coming, catch you guys later." I left Kaede and Shuichi and ran to Kokichi.

Kaede POV:

"Do you think she knows who the culprit is", I turn to Shuichi in confusion and worry. "Probably after all, she is the Ultimate Truth-Teller. Plus she can tell when we're lying", I answered with a shiver running up my back. "Then why doesn't she say who it is?" "I'm not sure...maybe she's saving it for the trial?"

"'s so eerie..." "Hmmm?", Shuichi looked at me in confusion. "I mean a liar like Kokichi and someone like Y/n? Their talents and completely clash but now that I think about it, their personalities are pretty close." "Now that you're mentioning it your right. They would make a scary pair..."


"Soooooo what chu ask them?", Kokichi sang as we walked together. "I just confirmed my suspicions about who the murder could be", I answered as his ears perked up. "Oh? Do tell." "I can't." "Awww y/n stop being a meanie and tell meeee!" "Cause I can't silly." He pauses for a bit. "Hmmm why?" "I thought you out off all people would know."

I come closer to Kokichi and look him straight in the eye. "People can't handle the truth." He looked at me with wide eyes as I say that. "But don't worry, you'll probably know who it is during the trial or even now sooner or later", I shrugged off, enlightening the mood.

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