Chapter 20

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Everything is going to plan so far. Monokuma has joined the class trial and we pose an actual threat. I'm now on Monokuma's throne and now the spectator of the class trial. The good thing about this is that this shakes things up for Monokuma but the bad thing is that I don't really have any say the case anymore. But it's going to be fine, I believe that Kokichi will be able to handle this.

I look at my empty bottle of f/d and set it aside, taking out a new f/d from my hoodie. "Nyeehh how many of those do you have?!", Himiko exclaimed. "Doesn't matter what I do because I'm the spectator now, and as spectator I say hurry up with the class trial", I said with a glare as I start to drink my drink.

"Right.. Let's discuss the video of Kaito being crushed in the press. Kokichi and Y/n are trying to fool Monokuma. They didn't have to show that video... so why..", Shuichi said as everyone started discussing the video. "... Wait the victim.... we can't identify whose body was crushed in the press and with the video, you'd automatically think Kaito died. That could be the mistake they wanted Monokuma to make", Shuichi spoke in realization. "Wait so the bodies were switched?!"

Time Skip

I sighed as I watched as Shuichi and the others figure out who the culprit was as I sip on my drink. "Damn who knew being a spectator could be so boring... at least when I was at my podium I was able to sleep", I mumbled as I slouched in the chair.

".... So have you realized who dunnit yet?", Monokuma asked Shuichi. I sat up properly as I start to listen in on what Shuichi would say. "The apparent victim we saw in the video was Kaito and if he switched places with Kokichi who was then crushed in the hydraulic press, the culprit would be..... Kaito", Shuichi said as the others stared at him with disbelief.

I felt a grin make it's way across my face and quickly took another sip out of my drink to hide it. So the detective thinks Kaito died huh? I guess not even Shuichi the Ultimate Detective could solve this one, how pitiful. For the Ultimate Detective, he still has ways to go.

I continue to watch as everyone started to question the Exisal. "Hey Kaito.. are you.. really in there?", Himiko asked but the Exisal said nothing. "Come on Kaito! Why won't you saying anythin—" "This is all pointless... I'm the culprit. There's no doubt that Kaito died by my poison arrow, I have to be the culprit. I can't blame Y/n and Kokichi forever.. face it I'm the culprit", Maki said earning stares of confusion.

"But Maki—" "No Shuichi... I saw Kokichi drink the antidote... he drank it all so I have to be the culprit!" I amusingly watched as Shuichi and Maki fought once again over the culprit.

Geez for friends they sure fighting a lot in this trial. Little do they know, they're fighting for nothing. "Kokichi just pretended to drink the antidote! He didn't actually drink", Shuichi exclaimed getting my attention. "He pretended..... to drink it?", Maki said with a pale white face of pure shock. "Kokichi pretending to drink the antidote was probably another part of Y/n's lies they set up. They probably knew Kaito wouldn't cooperate with them that easy", Shuichi mumbed.

"That doesn't make sense?! This wouldn't matter if he died!", Himiko yelled back. "But think about it, no one would think about someone planning their own death..." "So he gave up his life to create some mystery?" Pain in my chest started to grow as they continued to talk about Kokichi

... Shut up... it's going to be okay..... we're so close! "Wait if Kokichi planned his murder with Y/n.... does that mean you were actually ok with it?!", Maki said looking at me in the eyes as the attention goes to me. He isn't dead he isn't dead he isn't dead he isn't dead....

"I'm the spectator now remember? Besides did you guys forget who I am, I'm Y/n L/n, the Ultimate Liar! I have no problem wasting anyone's time with my beautiful lies", I said as I earned more hateful and disgusted looks.

The Ultimate Liar (Kokichi x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang