Chapter 8

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I wait in the police station, waiting for the police officer who brought me here to come back. The door opens and the police officer sits in front of me, across the table.

"I'm sorry Miss, we couldn't find any of your relatives stable enough to take you in but on the bright side we found you a therapist and an orphanage you'll stay in until you're sixteen. We found one of your aunts that is stable, but she's out of the country and we're low on funding at the moment. Is this okay with you?" Low on funding huh... what a bunch of crap.

"Of course, thank you for taking care of me!" "No problem little lady, and you'll have a therapist come and visit you monthly while you stay." "About that Mr. Officer, I'm fine. I don't need a therapist." "Miss with all do respect, you just lost your parents. It must be very traumatizing, even for your age." "Thank you but I know I'll be fine. Besides I know there will be people to take care of me and my parents will be happy in heaven and wouldn't want to see me sad." Liar. "I know I'll be taken care of so there is no reason why I should be sad or stressed."

As I said that the officer smiled. "What a smart girl you are. Well if that's what you want then I'll have someone escort you to a care to the orphanage", the officer said as he left the room once more.

Why did you do that? Hmmm I don't know what you're talking about. Don't play around with me you stupid brat. You know as well as I do that the people at the orphanage will just treat you like how your parents did. And on top of that you lied to the officer about having a therapist. He said they were low of funds so I thought that if I gave up the therapist then- Then what? You didn't actually think someone as stupid as you would be able to help anyone. You know what you just did sweetie, you lied to a cop. A cop who was just trying to help you. Your nothing but a dirty little liar. No, you're wrong...

I hugged my knees, rested my head on them, and silently cried. "Hey Y/n are you ok?" I look up to see myself sitting on the grass with ten people in front of me. "Yeah just a bit tired", I said while one hand rubbed my eye as the other reached out in the air as I pretend to stretch my back. "Y/n we had a few of us follow you back to the orphanage. We know about you switching orphanages..."

I stop pretending and look at the ground. I remembered, the orphanage was getting crowded and since I was one of the older ones, I had to go. I looked up and laughed, "I thought we were pranksters, not stalkers."

As I said that I felt Kokichi hug me from the front. "Y/n it's ok to cry." It's ok to cry? Never had I once heard those words. My eyes started to pour. "I'm s-sorry I didn't t-tell you g-guys. I just d-don't want to burden y-you all", I sobbed, hugging him back. "Y/n you're not a burden." "I k-know. I just wish I didn't have to leave you guys..", I say as I stop crying and Kokichi lets go.

"I can't see why we can't just adopt her. I mean me and a few others look eighteen", said one of the older members. "I agree, plus we can just hack and clear our record", another added. "Well all in favor to adopt Y/n, raise your hand." I watched as each and everyone of the members raised their hands.

"Looks like you got a new family Y/n!" "Omg you guys, you're gonna make me cry again." Kokichi then tackle hugged me, followed by another member and another until we were all eleven of us were on the ground. I finally had a family.

*Ding don bing bong* I wake up to the morning announcement. D.I.C.E.... my one and only family and have left. I'll stay alive, protect Kokichi, and find the others. We'll all be a happy family again. I just need to stay alive and protect Kokichi. With that I get ready, put on my happy persona, and head to the dining hall. 

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