Chapter 1 - Madeline

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I always a huge fan of morning sunshine, what not to like? It gives your warm and peace That's why I opted to walk to my office rather than taking a car. It's only 15 minutes walk from my house to the office, anyway.

This is my 3rd year in this company. I'm an executive assistant to the VP of Hall Printing. Hall Printing is one of many subdivisions in Hall Industries, one of the biggest companies in the world. Top 5 in the showbiz company. The biggest subdivision of Hall Industries is Hall Production, which produces movies that more often than not went to box office.

They also have Hall Media. I still remember when I was a teenager I always bought their magazine, now they also have their online media. Okay, enough with Hall Industries. To be honest, I never learn about how big the Hall Industries is, because it's just way too big. All I know is the CEO, Mr. Ethan Hall, is one of the youngest billionaires in the world. Last time my coworkers told me that Ethan Hall's net worth was 20 billions. Jeez.. what will you do with that much money? Well, I don't know Ethan Hall personally.. I'm not a big fan of billionaires and their stuff. Hell, I don't even know his look. According to my co-workers, he is super handsome. Well, maybe they're biased. There's no way God would make a perfect man like that, right?

Anyway, back to my life (why are we talking about Ethan Hall?).. now I'm sitting at my desk. I'm so antsy.. My boss, Tim Colton, told me yesterday that he has great news for me. He hasn't told me yet But, hopefully, I get a promotion to transfer to LA! Last time they asked me for that; I declined because my mom was sick. But last month, I sent mom to her last resting place. She was suffering from cancer for a long time. I was so sad when she was gone, but I'm glad she can rest in peace. At least she doesn't suffer anymore. And now, I have nothing to make me stay in Julian Town anymore, and I have Thomas in LA. So I told Tim and HRD that I'm ready to move.

Thomas Hudson is my boyfriend. We've been together for 2 years. He is a nice guy; I like him a lot because we have the same goal. We're focused on our carrier. He was my senior at school. A year older than me. Our relationship was simple.. until half a year ago he was so busy with his work. He used to come back to Julian monthly. To visit his family and me. But now, the last time he came back was Thanksgiving, which is half a year ago. He said he was so busy so he couldn't come. Even 2 months ago when my mom died. I asked him to be here for me, but he said he swamped with his work.

Long-distance relationships are hard, I realized that. That's why it's time for me to move. I need to take action to save our relationship. And I do like LA. I lived in LA when I was younger. But that's another story for another time. Let's focus on now because I just saw Tim, my boss, come out of the elevator.

"Morning Tim!" I say cheerily, but still professionally. Tim is a good boss. He's in his 40s. His wife, Sophia, helped me a lot when I just lost my mom.

"Morning Mads!" he goes straight to his office with me in his tail.

After he poured a cup of coffee from his fancy coffee machine, he sat on his chair and opened his bag — this is his ritual every morning.

I watched him while my heart beat rapidly inside my rib cage. Hurry Tim! Tell me what's the news!



"I hate this Mads, but I get it, you really want it," he sighs and gives me a letter. "This is your letter of promotion. Congratulations Madeline Parker!" He smiles widely at me.

"Oh my God! Tim! Thank youuuuuu," I say, while opening the letter.

I did it!

"Yes. Headquarters needs an executive assistant for Mr. Hall. You will work under our CEO, Mads! Make me proud, okay!"

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