Chapter 3 - Ethan

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People said if you have money and power, you have everything. Well, they are wrong. I have money and power, but I'm far from being complete.

I love to win; I love to add more numbers to my bank account; I love to see all my business working well; I love the privilege to have women in my line. But still.. it's only material and sex. Nothing more. Well.. maybe I'm not grateful enough with my life.

My phone rings pulls me back from my complicated mind.

"Ethan!" Booming the voice from the other side. It's Ben Sanders. He was married to my aunt Daisy Hall until my aunt died in a car accident last year. He's working for Hall Industries as a President in Hall Media. I'm not a big fan of his work. I'm sure I can hire a better person for that place. Hell, his VP is far better than him. But family always comes first in Hall. And he has been so devoted to my aunt. He's not that bad, but not the best.

"Ben" I say curtly. Family or not, I'm not a chatty person. And they know me well to not feel intimidated.

"Where are you, son?"

"At the tarmac. Just arrived. Do you need anything from me, Ben?"

"Ah yes! How's Shanghai? Everything good?"

We just finished our latest acquisition from business in Shanghai, China. I just arrived not over 5 mins and jet lagged. But jet lag or not, chatting for nothing is the least in my list.

"Good. Do you need anything?" If he answers me with another bullshit, I will cut the phone.

"Yeah! Actually, I want to meet you for dinner. Can you come to Hilton? We can have dinner at their restaurant."


"Dinner and talk. I have some issues that I want to discuss with you. About the..." he lower his voice "embezzlement in Hall Media."

Suddenly, all my focus comes to life. I hate if there is a cockroach in my business. And the one in Hall Media has been an issue for months. They still couldn't find the cockroach.

"You found it?"

"Almost. That's why I need to talk to you. Dinner? 7?"



I arrived at the hotel at 6.45 pm. I am never ever late. I dressed in my suit. Need to give your best appearance if you live in this city and you work in show biz. I'm not an actor nor singer, that's my cousin, Christian Hall. But I'm the CEO of multi billionaire company that involved in showbiz. The press from financial media intrigues with me, the paparazzi from the gossip rags too.

As predicted, my uncle is still not here. The server brings me to the table for two. Ben already booked for it.

"Give me a vodka."

"Right away, sir."

My eyes scan the room and land on a woman's back. She is sitting alone in the bar. What a body! Strawberry blonde long hair almost touches her waist with the loose curly. Her backless black dress with a length a little above her knees, looks appropriate but makes me want to rip from her body. What an ass! She has a beautiful ass.

If I don't have this meeting, I might go there to see her face. Is it just her body that sexy as sin? Or her face as well—I forgot to breathe when she turns around to scan the room. Her makeup is perfect. She put on some makeup, like most women love. The smokey eyes, but not too over. Some women do too much on smokey eyes and will look like pandas. And her blue.. not blue, its aquamarine eyes encased with long eyelashes make her look more perfect. Her lipstick... Jesus! That lipstick is a sin! The red lipstick on her lips keeps pulling my eyes. I can't help to imagine that plump lip in my mouth, my neck, my body—

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