Chapter 64 - Madeline

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Even though I agreed to move in with Ethan, in fact, I still live in my apartment. Ethan was ready to haul me back to his room when I told him at breakfast the next morning I'm still going to live in my apartment at least until the end of December. I already paid for the apartment until the end-of-year. We were arguing when Helen came; we told Helen and asked her opinion. Ethan was so sure Helen would side with him until Helen said, "Madeline is right. You can have her for the rest of your life. A month isn't that long Ethan!"

And just like that, Ethan lost. I told him, I will stay at the house from Friday to Monday. I give up my Sunday night to come back to my apartment, and I need a warm bed during winter. Ethan's warm body is better than my bed.

LA isn't that cold, Madeline. And you were okay before when you were a virgin. Hush shut up, brain! No one is asking your opinion.

Here I am with best friends, having our monthly dinner. Actually, they asked Ethan to join us, but Pete called him and there was a business that needed Ethan and Mike's attention. So, Ethan is in the office, dating Mike and his paperwork.

"Are we that terrible companion, Mads? Without Ethan you look like an energizer bunny but without the battery," Tony jokes.

I glare at him. "Shut up, Tony! This is Pete's fault!! Why he had to call Ethan at 4 pm. I was daydreaming about dinner with Ethan and the events afterwards. The call came like a cold water splashing on my face," I complain.

"If you don't want to be separated from him that much, you should move into his house yesterday, Mads." Christian says matter-factly. Did I tell you that Christian is here? He comes with Meredith. And like Ethan, the boys like him too.

Meredith pokes him. "Let her be. Women have their own calculation," she grins. I never saw Meredith this happy before. She hasn't told me anything about her relationship with Christian, but I think they are a sort of dating right now.

Christian puts his arm around Meredith's shoulders and whispers something to her. Meredith blushes and both of them laugh.

Drew gives me a brochure. "Don't be sad Mads. I'll give you an early Christmas presents."

"What?" I grin and take the brochure. It's a picture of resorts on the island. "Where is it?"

"Roderick Group finished with a new resort on the private island near Sicily. Will open for public next year. It's just for invitation only until end year. It's windy at this time of the year. But you can always ask Ethan to warm you."

I grin happily. "Thank you, Drew! God, I love you and your hotel chain!"

"The way you said it will make people judge you are a gold digger, Mads," Drew laughs.

"The only opinion I care about is Ethan. The others can go to hell!" I wink at him.

"Badass," Tony says under his breath, but loud enough for us to hear. We all laugh.

"When is the date?" I check the brochure. There is no date there.

"You can pick it. Contact my assistant, she will arrange everything for you." Somehow, I can see a halo on Drew's head.

"You are perfect, Drew!" I smile happily and check the calendar on my phone. We sync Ethan's and my schedule. So I can easily access it.

"Um.. Mads," Christian says in a more sober voice that makes me look at him. "You know Ethan doesn't celebrate his birthday anymore, right?"

I nod.

"Just make sure you don't choose that date." He looks seriously at me.

"I know, C. I won't. I want Ethan to let go of the past, to enjoy his birthday again, but I don't want to celebrate December 28th as well since it's his father's death date." I wrinkle my nose. "I'm planning to go to Julian Town and enjoy it there. And Ethan can go to visit his dad too." I smile at Christian.

He nods. "As long as you are with him, I think he will be okay. His mood has been so good this year. Thanks to you, Mads. Normally he tenses around this time of the year," Christian says and I smile softly, "thanks, C."

"Mads, if it's inconvenient for you to go at this time, it's okay. You can arrange for next year. Just find the perfect time, okay," Drew says and I nod. "Thank you, Drew!"

What did I do to get great friends like this?


I walk in the hall to the meeting room. It's like a déjà vu. It feels like it just happened yesterday. All the crazy drama directed by Ben Sanders and Thomas Hudson.

I smile to myself. Actually, I should thank them for making Ethan and me cross paths. I put the documents on the table for each shareholder. Today we're going to have our annual meeting (like the one we held when I was on my first day with the Hall HQ). Helen is still doing her round to every division.

My phone beeps. Anna informs me that Helen is already in Ethan's office. It means in 10 mins they will go down here and start the meeting. I go to the admin in the front to inform them to call the shareholders at the lounge and the managers in every division.

People coming into the meeting room. Not like the first time I was here. Now I almost know everyone in the room, including the shareholders.

"Yo Mads!" Christian punches me lightly in my arm.

I snort. "Very gentleman, Christian," I say sarcastically. He laughs and walks to his seat. I chuckle and go to the multimedia to make sure it's ready.

"Relax, Mads. No more crazy slideshow like last time," the multimedia guy says and chuckles.

I roll my eyes. "Seriously, you have to remind me about that?" I chuckle. I glance at everyone in the room. Everyone looks good. Maybe because it's a holiday season. Christmas is just around the corner.

We are all so busy, Ethan with the end year events, me with the charity to help kids celebrate Christmas. Helen asked me to be in charge of The Hall Foundation. I refused to be the head, but I agreed to help her with the money we have on foundation.

And I haven't told Ethan about the trip to Roderick Resort. There was some day Ethan came to my apartment in the middle of the night after the meeting, because we hadn't seen each other for a day. He woke me up; we had sex and fell asleep till the morning came.

Ethan comes in with Helen. He looks at me and smiles. Gosh.. every time he smiles at me like that, my heart goes pitter-patter. I bite my lower lips and walk to my seat (my actual seat, the one near the multimedia. Not the one Helen asked me to sit last time).

Ethan helps Helen to sit down at the head of the table, puts his stuff and comes to me with his smile. Gosh, I'm melted...

"Hi," I say breathlessly.

"Hi, Sweetness. Thank you for arranging this." He tucks the tendrils behind my ear. "Are you tired?"

I shake my head and touch his cheek. "You're the one who prepared for this meeting, Ethan. There are black circles under your eyes."

He turns his head and kisses my hand. "I need to start the meeting. Let's have lunch together later. Anna will book the restaurant."

"Okay," I whisper to him. He smiles softly at me and goes back to his grandma. God, he is so perfect. My Prince Charming.

Ethan is ready to start the meeting. The room is quieter. Suddenly, Helen turns to find me. "What are you doing there, dear? Come here!" She smiles at me and gestures to the seat again.

My jaw drops open while Ethan chuckles at me. He's not helping! And just like the last time, every eye is on me. I tiptoe to Helen, bend a bit so I can whisper in her ear. "Helen, It's better for me to sit in my seat." I gesture the one in the back.

She smiles. "This is your seat, Mads. Come on, sit down. Ethan is going to start the meeting. We don't want to delay the meeting, do we?" Her voice is soft, but she hits the spot. How can I say no when she said her concern is the meeting time? So I hopelessly, helplessly sit on Amanda Hall's chair.

I glance at Ethan. He bites his inner cheek to prevent him from laughing, but his eyes are, obviously, laughing. I take it back! Ethan Hall is not a perfect boyfriend.

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