Chapter 49 - Ethan

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By Wednesday, I received the contract from Christian new album project. Meredith agreed to be his partner.

I call Christian and he answers on the third ring. "Thanks, E! I owe you one," he says without preamble.

"Make this count, C! I risked my relationship with Madeline," I say. I still remember when Madeline told me we're going to have lunch with Meredith, I contacted Christian to join us. He said he needs a chance to have a talk face to face with Meredith. So I helped him. And now, everyday I pray to God that Madeline wouldn't find out about this. I promise to myself I would never lie to her again, not only because I don't want any lies between us, but also it's killing me to think she would find out. Even though, technically, we can't say this is a lie. But still...

"The money from this album is not enough?" Christian jokes.

"That's the least you can do." But, to be honest, it's not enough. Nothing will enough compared to my feelings towards Madeline. If it wasn't for Christian, I wouldn't do that.

"Alright, boss!"

We end the phone after a few minutes talking about his plan with the album. I continue with my work. Madeline is still busy with the charity. I feel bad I can't help her, but my work won't let me. So, all I can do is help her during our dinner. Give her some advice and listen to every update she has. She needs my words just because she isn't sure about capability. But the truth is, she doesn't need me. She did great with all the preparation. Actually, more than great, remember what mess Camilia left her with.


Did I tell you I love weekends? No? That's because I can have Madeline for myself. Like today, she slept over at my house. I want to ask her to move in with me, but I promise myself to give her as much time as she needs. For now, weekends are enough. Since every weekday we have dinner at her apartment, so weekends are her turns to stay at my place, and yesterday we made a deal that every weekend she will stay here from Friday to Sunday. Yes!

Here I am in my bed looking at my angel sleeping like a baby in my arms, naked. She was so tired. I couldn't get enough of her. I came 4 times last night, and Madeline... I stop counting after the tenth time she came.

I check my watch, it's 9.30 am. Madeline is still sleeping, not even stirs. I chuckle to myself. She needs to wake up. She's planning to have a shopping day with Meredith. I want to spend my weekends with her, but I can't be a selfish boyfriend. She needs to have her time with her friends, too. Especially with Meredith. After I trapped her with the lunch with Christian, I kinda felt bad.

"Wake up, baby." I kiss her cheeks and proceed to her neck and chest.

"I like this kind of morning call," she says, her eyes still close, but she smiles lazily.

"You have to eat your breakfast so you will have your energy to go with your friend," I reply while kissing her body. She moans when my tongue plays with her nipple. She pulls me up to her. "Shut up and kiss me!" She commands.


I emerge out from the pool when I see Christian walks towards me.

"So, because your girlfriend couldn't accompany you, you call me to accompany you? What am I? A booty call?" He jokes me while sitting on the lounger.

I take a towel and dry myself. "Shut up! You owe me one, Christian."

He chuckles. Consuela comes with 2 glasses of mango smoothies. Perfect! "Hi Consuela, you look prettier and younger." Christian gives her is his megawatt smile, and as expected Consuela laughs happily. Christian and his megawatt smile.

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