Chapter 59 - Madeline

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I just know that, if you are a billionaire like Ethan, you will receive a lot of invitations around Thanksgiving and Christmas. Here I am sitting with a pile of luxurious invitation cards in front of me.

I asked Ethan earlier what should I do with this? Professional or not, this is not a normal executive assistant's job. My former boss, Tim, got some invitations during the year, but not as much as this one. Ethan told me to pick some of it. He doesn't really care. He said we can just send money to the charity event and send flowers to the Thanksgiving or Christmas events. According to our PR team, he needs to show up to minimal 3 events. After that, he is free from this duty.

Ahh.. I can go to the PR and ask them. I take a paper bag from the cafeteria and put all the invitations. Damn! it's heavy. I check on my computer to see whether my boss/boyfriend is on the phone. Yes, he is on the phone. Oh, well... I'll be back in ten mins, anyway. No need to tell him.

On our PR's floor, I go to Eddie Watanabe, the PR manager. In his 60s, he looks much younger. Must be his Japanese secret medicine.

"Hi Eddie!" I come to his office.

"Hi Mads! Please sit down." He smiles. He doesn't have any accent. Eddie is American born Japanese. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes. I need your advice. Which invitation Ethan should go to. I got these on my desk this morning." I put it on the desk.

He laughs. "Well, for your information, these invitations have been here before. My team filtered which one is the best for Ethan to attend. Apparently, we have this much."

My eyes widen. "You expect Ethan to come to all these events? Some of them even on the same date and time."

"No, no. We are just the filter. The decision is in Mr. Hall's hand. But I think now it's in your hand," he chuckles. "Just choose 2 is okay. We need Ethan to maintain his public image. But he doesn't have to come to every event. And since he told the press that you are his girlfriend so we are expecting you to be his date in every event, Mads. This could be tiring, but that's what people expect from Ethan Hall's girlfriend."

I bite my lower lip and lean closer. "What do you expect from Ethan's girlfriend, Ed?"

He laughs and shakes his head. "You didn't know yourself that much, Mads. Look in the mirror! You are a pretty woman, by any standards. We all know that you are smart enough to sit as Ethan's executive assistant, not to mention the charity event you held. Raised a lot of money for the poor. Put the Hall Foundation back on track. And your appearance at the charity was amazing. You nailed it with flying colors."

I blush. "Thank you, Ed. But, it's not me. I'm blessed with a great team."

He chuckles. "Add humble personality in the list."

I laugh and shake my head. Thank God, Ethan's employee doesn't think of me as a gold digger or someone who just wants to take an advantage of Ethan Hall's big name.

"Well, if you think that's all not enough, Helen Hall's speech that day will be enough."


"Yes. She never mentioned Ethan's date before. You are the first one. From the day you sit on Amanda Hall's chair at the meeting, we all know that Helen Hall chose you as her granddaughter-in-law. So brace yourself, Mads. It's not a simple job for being Mrs. Ethan Hall and Helen Hall granddaughter-in-law. But you did great so far. Guess you were born for this." He winks at me and takes out the heavy paper bag. Eddie checks the invitations while my face blush and my heartbeat racing in my ribs. Helen Hall's future granddaughter-in-law...

"Give me a sec," he tells me while picking his phone. "Bring Mads invitations to my office, please. Thank you," he says and puts down the phone.

"Sorry? My invitations? What—" before I can finish my question someone comes in and puts some invitations on Eddie's desk. If Ethan's invitation is mount Everest, this one is like mount Kilimanjaro.

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