Chapter 9 - Madeline

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His lips are so soft, he tastes like mint and coffee. From this close, I can smell his fresh laundry soap and a hint of his Oakwood perfume.

The kiss is not demanding. He just kisses me right there to calm me down. Soft kiss... his hands cup my cheeks softly.

"Breathe," he says huskily. I realized I still hold my breath. Once I try to breathe, he kisses me again. I don't know how long we've kissed.

There is someone knocking on the door, and I stumble backward. I touch my lips, which I'm sure swollen from the kiss. I feel my face hot. I look at Ethan and he looks away. His face also flush. I can make Ethan Hall blush?! Wow...

He clears his throat and glances at me. Our eyes lock and he nods a little, as if he is making sure I'm okay. I nod back. "Come in," he says, his eyes still on mine.

"We settled everything, Ethan. The shareholders are at lounge now. We can call them anytime. Mrs. Hall already finished her visit with the last department. Because it's almost time, so she said that she will go straight to the meeting room," Sarah says without looking at us. She focuses on her phone while telling Ethan the update.

I force my hand to not touch my lips. It's still tingling from the kiss. God, I need to stop thinking about that. I need to focus on the work.

Ethan looks at his watch. "Okay. Can you tell the admin to call the shareholders in 10 mins? And the manager in 5 mins?"

"Perfect" Sarah says. "Do you still need Madeline here? Or can I take her with me?" Is she teasing Ethan? No way. I need to screw my head altogether. Bad bad hormones. Stay away from me, please!

He clears his throat. "You can have her, Sarah."

Sarah and I step out from Ethan's office.

"You okay?" Sarah asks once we're outside Ethan's office.

I nod mutely.

"Well, Ethan can be a bit intimidating. Hell, he can be very intimidating and demanding. But he's a good guy." She smiles.

"It's okay, Sarah. Ethan just asked me a few things. Get to know each other." I smile, or at least I think I smile.

Sarah looks at me longer than usual and nods. She takes some printed paper from her desk. "Can you bring this to the meeting room and tell the admin when to call the manager and shareholder like Ethan said earlier? You can wait for me down there. I'll wait for Ethan." She gestures at Ethan's office.

"Sure, Sarah." I take the paper from her and go to do my work.

Inside the elevator, I take a deep breath. Why did he kiss me after he accused me? He said I'm the one who came into his bed. Helloooo!! I was sleeping there. I only hope his people can find the answer for us.

And right now, I have an additional problem. How can I work with Mr. Pop My Cherry as his executive assistant? How can I work closely with him, while all I can think is his hand on my body, his lips... Stop!!!

And like magic, the elevator stops and opens the doors. Let me know that I'm on my destination floor and berate myself for keep thinking about my big boss's lips! So unprofessional, Madeline Parker!

I walk outside the elevator. There are two admins there. Sarah says that these staff will call for the meeting members. So all I need to do if there is a meeting is to inform them. And they will do the magic. So I ask them to call the shareholders and managers at designated time.

I go to the long hall. Our meeting room is the farthest and the biggest one. I walk through a lot of separate meeting rooms. Variety from small to medium to large.

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