Chapter 44 - Madeline

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Gosh! That Camilia... how can I describe this woman... she just wanted to use the highest vendors of everything. God! Her taste is so bad! And her assistant is just as bad as her. I only have a month. What should I do? Too many things neglected. I need some help with this. I inhale deeply.

I sort everything from the very important to the least, from the vendor that I need far, far away to the one we just need on the day. Camilia didn't bother to send an actual invitation. There is no vendor for that. She just sent a blast email. Copy and paste from last year's charity (I notice because they forgot to change the year. Just the date. Stupid stupid stupid!). But for a big event like this, we should play big too. Nice invitation, luxurious place with delicious food. Who's going to believe their money with us, if we cannot pull these things?

I go to the coffeemaker. I need a coffee!

"You okay, Mads?" Anna asks me. She is an admin on our floor, good at her job, but I doubt I can ask her too much. She is a bit slow. Even so, I need help.

"Hey Anna, are you busy? I mean, can I ask you for help?"

"Sure. I just need to copy these documents." She holds the documents up for me to see.

"Perfect. Come to my desk when you finished, okay?"

"Sure, Mads."

I walk back to my desk with a cup of coffee and start with the charity's preparation. Thank God Ethan's schedule today is meeting with the government for the election. It's kind of private because The Hall always stirs their name clear from the politics, so the government asked us to host the debate. And they need Ethan and some of our Media Team to choose the place and the host candidates. Since it's private, I'm not coming to their meeting. So, here I am free from Ethan but swamped with the stuff Camilia left behind.

I need some reference. Hmm... Helen! I call her.

"Hi, sweetheart," Helen answers the phone softly.

I smile. I really like Helen and I miss her so much! "Hi Helen, sorry to disturb you. Are you busy right now?" From her voice, I don't think she has seen the magazine. Thank God! Ethan and I should visit her.

"For you? Never, my dear," she says. And we talk about charity. Helen hosts some of the charity when her husband, Michael Hall, sits as the CEO in Hall Industries. She gives some tips. At the end of our phone call she asks me, "did Ethan put you in this project?"

"Huh? No Helen. I volunteered because Camilia is nowhere to be found."

"Perfect." Somehow I can feel she is grinning from ear to ear. Why?


"Good luck with the charity, sweetheart."

If there is no a Himalayan mountain work in front of me, I would have asked Helen about her 'perfect' word, but somehow the charity's preparation on my computer screen is staring at me, waiting for me to do something with it. "Thanks Helen," I say and we end the phone.

I still swamp with my work. I don't even know when Ethan comes. He massages me from behind. I jump from his touch. "Gosh, Ethan!" And he laughs.

He comes to my ear. "You looked sexy as hell when you were working so seriously like that, Sweetness, I cannot wait to bend you on the desk." My face hot as hell. I jab him in the rib. He laughs. "Do you still have a lot of things to do?" He asks me.

"Maybe half hour. Anna was helping me. Thank God for her," I say, and Ethan smiles. Suddenly I realized he needs to wait for me because he picks me up this morning. "You're done for today? You want to go now?"

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