Chapter 24 - Madeline

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We arrived in front of my apartment. I'm still holding Ethan's suit in my hands. "Ethan, I will laundry the suit and give it back to you later."

He shakes his head and takes it from me. "No need. Come on, I walk you to your apartment." He puts the suit aside.

"You don't have to."

"I know, Sweetness, but I want to. Ok?"

Jack opens the car door. I say thank you and my goodbye to Jack. Ethan touches the small of my back and walks with me to my place.

My heart pounding in my ribcage. At the rink, we made out and Ethan stopped because my dress was wet because of the ice. But now, if we did it again, nothing will stop us. I don't know what to think. Everything is just too express with Ethan. It took me almost half a year to make out with Thomas (not really make out like squeezing boobs and all, just heavy kisses), but with Ethan... God, the closer we are to my apartment, the harder for me to think. Luckily, my apartment is using a staircase, so I have more time to think.

"Relax Sweetness, I wouldn't do anything you don't want me to," Ethan says under his breath. I literally stop on my step and look at him. He smiles at me, his hazel eyes soft, and he leans over, kissing my forehead without a word. He takes my hand and continues to climb up the How can this man read me easily?

We arrive in front of my apartment door. I look at him. "Thank you Ethan, not only for today's date but also for your understanding," I blush.

He smiles and tucks the tendril behind my ear. "Pleasure is all mine, Sweetness. Go! Take a hot shower, I don't want you to catch a cold." He gestures for me to go in.

I open the door and turn back to him. "Um... you want to come in? As in, have a cup of tea or coffee. I have a chamomile tea. Helen gave me a box before I came to LA."

He takes a deep breath. "I'm afraid I have to take a raincheck, Sweetness. because actually I'm not that gentleman, and when many people who knows me said that I'm one of the most controlled people they know, the real is my control kept slipping when I'm with you, and now I'm a minute away from slipping my control again. And I'm sure, you know what will happen if my control slipped away, not to mention the not to gentleman sides on me." He looks at me deeply and my face reddens.

Despite the blush on my face, I laugh because he is so honest and sincere. "Good night, Mr. Hall."

He nods. "Good night, Ms. Parker. I see you tomorrow?"

I blink. "Tomorrow? Oh, you're going to the office tomorrow? Okay, boss." I have nothing to do anyway tomorrow.

"No Sweetness, I'm asking you for a second date." and just like that, my heart beats wildly. "Are you free tomorrow?"

I nod slowly, and I just realized he was holding his breath while waiting for my answer.

He smiles at me. "See you tomorrow, Sweetness. I pick you up for lunch, and send you back after the dinner. Is that okay?" I nod again. "Perfect," he says, his hazel eyes sparkling. "Go, I'll wait here until you close and lock the door."

If this wasn't the sweetest thing, I don't know what this is. I tiptoe, giving him a peck on the lips. It's just a peck, but the electricity I feel from the peck as strong as the one we had on the rink. After the peck because I'm blushing so hard, I go inside my door and lock it without saying another word. I lean on the door to take a deep breath. Despite my blush and nervousness, I feel my lips forming a big smile. I go to the window, from there I can see the main entrance of the apartment. The Bentley is still there, Jack is outside the car waiting for Ethan. A minute later, Ethan emerges from my apartment building. As he closes to the car, he stops. It's like he can sense my gaze on him. He turns around and looks at me (or my imagination thinks he looks at me) and smiles. He gets into the car and off he goes.

After showering with hot water, I'm ready to end my day, even though my kiss with Ethan in the rink keeps playing in my head repeatedly.

Ping! Message from Ethan..

Ethan: Have a sweetest dream, Sweetness. Don't forget, your tomorrow is mine.

And I sleep with the biggest smile on my face. Sweet Jesus, can tomorrow come faster?


Why am I so nervous? Jesus Christ. It's not like I've never had a date before. I changed my outfit over 5 times. My bed is so messy and I swear I'm on the tidy side.

I texted Ethan this morning to ask what to wear, but he only said to wear something casual.

So here I am, changing to the fifth sundress. August in LA is so nice, the weather is clear and warm. So, I tied my hair in a high ponytail; I curled my bottom hair this morning, so when I tie it, there's still a curl on the bottom side. My makeup is minimal. Sunscreen (because I still want my skin glowing at 60), loose powder, mascara and lip gloss. Thank God for the good genes I have, I don't need to draw my eyebrows every day, because I have a thick eyebrow, and my skin is healthy because I have taken care of it since I was a teenager, a perk of being a social media celebrity.

Finally, I decided to wear my yellow sundress, it's a spaghetti straps, reveals some of my cleavage, it's not too appropriate to wear it to the office, but this is a date, I don't want to wear something similar to the one I wear to office, since Ethan is my boss. But it is okay, doesn't look like "come devour me". And the dress shows my small waist perfectly, and flows on the bottom, so it looks chic. The yellow color matches my aquamarine eyes perfectly. I wear my aquamarine wedges. One of my favorite footwear. The price is a bit expensive but worthy. Because the color is the exact color of my eyes.

I put my phone and lip gloss on my Lady Dior bag. It's baby blue, not exactly the same as my wedges, but the color is mixed perfectly with my dress and wedges. I got it from Drew on my last year birthday. 2 weeks before my birthday, Drew, Meredith and I had dinner in the restaurant. It was a luxury restaurant, so everyone is wearing branded stuff. I saw a woman walking wearing the Lady Dior with this blue color and I said to them that the bag looks good. While Meredith agreed with me, Andrew acted like he doesn't care. And surprised! On my birthday, he gave it to me as a present. My sweet friend and his unlimited money.

So most of the branded stuff came from them. I felt bad sometimes because it looks like I took them for granted. But they said it's nonsense. They love me, and more importantly (I quote from Tony) my presence is more precious than the branded stuff. I'm so lucky right!

I check at my phone, it's 15 minutes to 11. Ethan should be here soon. I check on my makeup again. Perfect. I put on my sunflower earrings, and go to the window waiting for Ethan's car.

A red Lamborghini stops in front of the building. I know this car! Veneno Roadster Lamborghini. The last time I had dinner with Tony, he was lusting after this car. He said this car is a limited edition and the most expensive Lamborghini or something like that. Apparently, he doesn't get it because it's sold out. But it's just Tony and his vice.

By the way, who is driving this car here? I don't think one of my neighbors here has this kind of car.

The owner emerges from the too expensive car. I can't see him clearly because there are some branches on my line of vision. Jet black tousled hair, broad shoulders, baby blue casual t-shirts with the sleeves rolled to the elbows and khakis shorts, wearing a nice sunglass... who is he? Hollywood star? When he walks to the apartment entrance, no more branches in my vision line...

Forget my stupid question. I recognize this man. Actually, he is my date for today. It's Ethan Hall.

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