Chapter 29 - Madeline

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Jack picks me up from my apartment. We're going to fly at 10 am. Thus, we can arrive in Paris early in the morning to start our day. I already contacted Pete Moore's assistant to make sure what I need to do, what I need to prepare for Ethan, and what Ethan expects from them. Ethan is not in the car. He has to go to the office early this morning to prepare some documents, and he will go directly from the office with the other driver. So here I am alone inside the white Rolls Royce.

"Jack, are you coming with us?" I ask him. I wanted to sit at the front with him, but he looked at me like I told him I want to push the car to the airport. It so weird to sit at the back alone.

"I don't think so. We assume that both of you will be back on Wednesday at the latest. Unless Ethan has another plan for you."

"Plan? What plan?" I ask.

"Date in the most romantic city. What else?" He says with no expression. And I can see my face blush violently from the mirror.


Ethan is already waiting for me on the tarmac. He is wearing a Harvard white hoodie with jeans and his sunglasses. He looks so handsome. My heart skips a beat. I come closer to him. Actually, our outfits match. I'm wearing a white long sleeve thin sweater with jeans and sunglasses too.

He meets me in the middle. "Good morning, Sweetness." He tucks my hair behind my ear. God, he is too handsome for my boss.

"Morning, Ethan." Wait, why my voice sounds so breathless.

He kisses my forehead. Somehow this becomes his favorite move, and damn! It becomes mine too, to give my forehead for him to kiss. Ethan takes my hand and we walk to his jet. It's gleaming under the California sun.

The inside jet is luxurious. Wow! So this is what Ethan's private jet looks like. I've been in the private jet before when I was still 20 with my glamorous life as an influencer. But it's nothing like Ethan. This is far more luxury.

We sit down, fasten the seatbelt. The stewardess comes to us with 2 glasses of white wine.

"Ethan, I already contacted Pete's assistant, Ella. She said that you will sign the contract at The Hall office in Paris. Afterward we can go to the building, and you will have to come back to the office before 3pm for a meeting with Pete."

He stares at me, and suddenly I feel conscious. I clear my throat. "Something wrong?" I ask warily.

"No. Are you Sarah?" He asks.

I chuckle. "What?"

"She's right. You are awesome. Now I know why she kept praising your work. You two work on the same wavelength," he says amuse. "God I'm so lucky!" And he smacks me on the lips.

I gasp a little. "Is that how you say thank you to your assistant?"

He laughs and, as if he cannot stop kissing me, he comes closer and kisses my earlobe. "Only the one I want to be my girlfriend."

"Work time, Mr Hall" I slap him lightly on his forearm, trying to cover my blush. Why I keep blushing in front of this man?

"No, today is Sunday. Ah, I want to tell you about our arrangement."


"Yes, since you are the one who said that I can't make a move during work time. I will behave as long as we are in the Paris office. But outside the office, you're mine. This is our date, Sweetness. Okay?" He looks at me deeply. I feel like I can't breathe. So I nod.

"Perfect! Since now is not work time, so..." He comes closer to me and kisses the hell out of me until the pilot announces that we're going to take off in a few minutes.

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