Chapter 41 - Madeline

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Ethan hugs me from behind while I'm preparing some pasta for us. I'm wearing Ethan's shirt from earlier, while Ethan is only in his boxers. And he looks so H. O. T. He kisses my neck. I giggle. "Stop. I need to prepare this pasta. I already finished with all the ingredients."

"Let me set the pan for you." He chuckles and goes to the stove. I take a peek at him. He really is handsome. And the way he made love (yes, we made love earlier, he confirmed that to me), it was like he worshipped every bit of my body. Gosh! My face hot. You can cook the pasta on my face, Ethan. No need to turn on the stove.

Once I'm done with the pasta, we sit together on the couch and eat the pasta from one bowl. Ethan was scandalous when I said that we eat from one big bowl. Now, it looks like he's enjoying it. My mom loved to do this with dad. I was dreaming of doing this too. And my dream comes true. Ethan said my food is delicious. I believe he really likes my food. Because of the way he eats the pasta. It's like he hasn't eaten for a week.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" He asks me.

"Hmm... nothing in the morning, but I'm going to have dinner with Meredith, Tony and Drew."

"So, your morning and afternoon is mine?" He asks after he steals a bite from me.

"Let me think," I tease him. "Do I want to go with you tomorrow?" I make a thinking gesture.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to. We can have another bed session, Sweetness. But I'm afraid your voice will be gone by the time you have dinner with your friends, and I doubt you can walk properly." He smirks. My face flushes. I jab him in the ribs and he laughs. "Say yes to the date. It will be fun!" He says, kissing me in the mouth. How can I say no to this guy?

"Okay, Mr. Hall. My morning and afternoon booked for you. I was teasing you earlier. Of course I want to have a date with you." I grin happily.

"Thank you, Sweetness." He grins back, showing his sexy dimples and perfect white teeth. My, my, God must be love me so much. He's giving me one of his masterpiece as my boyfriend. "By the way, what is Andreas doing here earlier?"

"Jealous?" I tease him.

He narrows his eyes at me. "I don't want to be reminded by that, Sweetness. I was so devastated. I thought I lose you."

I smile and caress his whisker. "I'm yours, Ethan" I whisper. He kisses me. One kiss turns into two, and three and just like that we both lost in a pleasure.


We still wrap each other on the couch, naked. "So? You haven't answered me," he says after our breath backs.

I chuckle. "He came here to pick his car. My new car arrived yesterday so I don't need to borrow his car anymore."

"The Maserati?" He asks and I nod. "You were driving a Maserati to The Hall?" He laughs.

"I know, right! I complained to him. I want a normal car. He just didn't care." I sigh.

Ethan laughs even harder. "God, Madeline Parker, my girlfriend!" He says, mocking the introduction.

"What?" I am confused.

"You are the first and maybe only woman who complained to Maserati," he shakes his head. "So what is your new car?"

"Nah, just some second Honda car. I want to show you the picture on my phone but I'm too lazy to move. Because your body feels so warm." I snuggle closer to him. He holds me tight. But he's still silent. I glance up at him. He is thinking.. oh no...

I lift my head a bit so I can look at him directly. "No, Ethan!" I cut whatever it is on his mind..

"What?" he says nonchalantly.

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