Chapter 12 - Madeline

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Helen and I sit inside a luxurious restaurant. I saw this in the magazine the restaurant is on the top 50 list in LA this year.

Helen looks at me with a big smile. I need to tell her the truth. She must assume that Ethan and I are together.

I clear my throat. "Helen, about me and Ethan. Um... there's nothing between us."

"But he is the one who popped your cherry?" Helen asks, eagerly. She knows I was a virgin. Advice to every virgin out there. You don't have to tell anyone about your virginity. That person might relate to the man who took your virginity. Trust me!

I take a deep breath. It's inevitable. No need to prolong this awkwardness. "Yes Helen. But it's not what you think." So I tell her everything from the beginning. Starting with my broken up moment with Thomas until Ethan came to my room and I also told Helen that I think Ethan was really under the influence. But after today's meeting, I'm pretty sure Thomas and Ben are behind Ethan's condition that night. Of course, I don't tell her I still haven't checked whether Ethan gave me STD. It's not something I wish to discuss with Helen. Ever.

"Oh, my... Thomas is a scumbag!" Helen says. I can see she is furious with Thomas on my behalf.

I shrug. "I'm just glad we're not together anymore," I say. Really, I thought it would devastate me when Thomas dumped me. The reality is I'm just sad and angry that he cheated on me. Sad because I was a believer in being a friend with my ex, and obviously, it will not happen with Thomas. Angry because I'm too stupid to never realize there is something wrong with him, and my friends, including Helen, realized it.

"And as for you and Ethan?" Helen asks.

I drink my lemonade to cover my nervousness. "Helen, to be honest with you, Ethan and I started this in a wrong time and place. And for the wrong reason, too. I can't say anything right now. But if he wants to keep me as his executive assistant, I will be more than happy. But as for romantic relationships, it's impossible for him to want me more than that night, Helen. And, I just got out of a relationship, remember?"

He is Ethan Hall, for god's sake. Models and actresses are a phone call away from his bed. Why does he want me? That's not possible. He was so protective of me earlier in the meeting, but that must be because he was grateful that I stood up at his side. Despite following what Thomas wants.

"If you assumed my grandson only wants to be your boss, you have another think coming, my dear," Helen says, holding my hand. "Look, Ethan is my grandson, Mads. I never saw him very protective and sweet like that to another woman. Ever."

"Protective yes. He is a gentleman, it's his nature to protect women from crazy ex. As for sweet, um..." I laugh awkwardly.

"Was that gentleman when he snapped at Camilia for calling you a bitch?" Helen encounters me. But she doesn't wait for me to answer. "May I remind you he calls you Sweetness?" Now Helen's eyes sparkling.

I feel my face blushes from the mention of Sweetness. "I.... I... I don't know," What Helen said is right. But I doubt that's true.

"Look Mads, Ethan is not a normal guy. I'm not talking about his net worth, which also makes him not a normal guy. I'm talking about his past. His childhood and everything that happened in his life." Helen says now, her eyes filled with tears. "It's not my position to tell you about Ethan. But I'm going to tell you this so you will understand him more."

I know I should say no to Helen, but I can't. I want to learn about Ethan Hall. Doesn't care what kind of relationship we have... or will have.

"Did you know Ethan lived in Julian Town when he was a kid? He was 8 back then," Helen says, and I blink. That means maybe I met Ethan back then.

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