Chapter 14 - Ethan

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I'm sitting in my office and yet, I admit it I've been gawking at my new executive assistant for more than half an hour. Madeline Parker, she is so sexy, focusing on the task on her table.

I can't wait until she replaces Sarah. Not that I consider Sarah did an awful job. She is one of the best executive assistants I've ever had. But if Madeline moved to Sarah's station, which is right in front of my office, I could see her more clearly.

Enough Ethan! You have a multi billion company to run. Stop acting like a teenager drooling over his crush.

I loosen my tie and force myself to focus on my computer's screen. It's Hall Media financial report. Mike and I already found all the holes. But I have to find where the money's gone. Apparently, they did a good job at hiding it. It's hard for our auditor to find it.

I call Jack. I inherit him from Dad. He is my dad's driver, bodyguard, personal investigator, you named it. Jack covered all this sort of thing. He is a Chinese. Christian told me that Jack must be Yao Ming's brother. He looks like Yao Ming. With the square jaw and broad shoulders. He is shorter than Yao Ming, but taller than me. I'm 6"2. Not short by any standard. He's like 6"5 or 6"6.

"Jack, I want you to check on something," I say once Jack picks up the call. He always picks up my call on the first ring.

"You can end the phone right now Ethan, I'm in front of your office," he says with a slight accent and he opens the door.

Jack is a large man. You will assume he moves like an obesity bear with that body. But it will amaze you once you see him in the rink. I don't even want to have another sparing with him in boxing anymore. He moves like The Flash. I heard he mastered over 5 martial arts. His hair jet black clipped short. He has black irises just like most of Chinese descents. He has a minor cut on his left eyebrow. The eyebrow there just never grows again. I don't know where he got that and I never ask. If you look at his face in the photo, except for the cut, he looks just like any other Chinese, but when you meet him, you will realize he is not just a normal Chinese. He has the aura that makes you think thrice to talk with him or to fuck with him.

He sits in front of me and puts an USB on my desk. "Those rats tried to record your action in the room," he says.

I grip the USB. Damn it! If I was clumsy fast that morning, this stupid thing would be at their hand. I don't want to think what might happen if they had this. I called Jack in the morning after I sober, and I didn't leave the room until Jack was there.

He scanned the room thoroughly to make sure if there was any hidden camera or recording, and he found the small camera. Jack wanted to burn the sheets because there was a tint of blood. I refused. I asked him to clean the sheets and deliver it in my house. But the blood was on the spring bed as well. That was the one Hudson took a picture. Should have burnt the bed, instead.

"Don't break the usb. You may want to watch it," he says to me with his signature no-expression. I glance at my hand. My knuckle is white and slightly shaky from my grip. I inhale deeply and put the USB on the table.

"I hacked the hotel's CCTV and saw your footage. I sent it to your email, including your girl footage, her ex-boyfriend's footage and also Ben's. As we expected, Ben and Hudson were the one who was behind this. You prefer to look at it by yourself or I explain it to you?" He asks.

I touch my forehead. "Let me watch the footage first."

He nods.

"I interrogated Thomas Hudson earlier. He didn't say a word. So I'm pretty sure this money goes to his account as well. At least some of the money. As for those pictures. He tried to turn the table to Madeline. Said she was a crazy ex." I still remember I almost hit him in the face. What a bastard! "In the end, he blamed everything on Madeline. I'm pretty sure Ben promised him something big. So he didn't rattle him."

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